The Color of Love (Part 2) | 20 October 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2531 | Prompt: lack of credibility (continued)


Part 1:
In a normal business meeting with his publishing partner, Frederick met with Jackson to discuss the upcoming quarterly end deadline and choice of authors they'd promote.

Unbeknownst to Frederick, Jackson was greatly perturbed. The rumors he'd heard in the industry about Frederick's wife Anita and her credibility as a writer were disturbing.

However, Frederick was unaware of this recent development and was pushing to promote his wife's new story. Jackson refused to allow this as it would ruin their company's reputation. Frederick didn't take the news well that his partner had hired an investigator to learn the truth about Anita.

Upset, Frederick stormed out of the office. For a few days, he pondered confiding the news to Anita, but held off due to a business meeting she was excited about attending.

He accompanied Anita to the airport, then headed home to ponder their fate if the rumors turned out to true.

Now, Part 2:

Alone in their apartment, Frederick absentmindedly ate dinner, barely swallowing as disgust rose up. He chided himself for not addressing the issue with his wife immediately concerning the rumors; opting to wait until he learned the extent of the allegations and evidence to support them.

After dinner, he relocated to the living room. His pulse beat irregular recalling the day later that week after speaking with Jackson when he read the information the company investigator uncovered. He remembered a lump in the pit of his stomach. But he couldn't stop reading page after page of evidence, some confirmed; others waiting more details. The bottom line: a scam ring involving dozens of perpetrators situated in various countries involving art and literature.

But what was Anita's role in America and how deeply was she connected?

Truth be told, Frederick was nervous at the thought of confronting his wife before she left. Not wanting to ruin her two-day business trip was only part of his uneasiness. He dared not dwell on her domineering attitude. Her ability to shut him down immediately when a conversation was steered toward her unnerved him at times. He'd decided last year to address it with her. The right moment never arose.

It was the ticking of the wall clock in tune with his heartbeat that interrupted his thoughts. He rose swiftly from the couch and paced the living room floor, ignoring the television program.

A few moments later, he shot a glance at his briefcase, then walked briskly over to remove the thick packet of information. He spread out then arranged documents by year and date. Instantly, he remembered Anita working on a different device. Perhaps names would be revealed that coincided with the exchange of manuscripts from writing farms she eventually published and took credit for.

Careful not to disturb her meticulously arranged office, he searched for the device.

Frederick discovered the compact laptop hidden in a bottom drawer under a stack of manuscripts. He'd no time to figure out her reasons. Quickly, he removed the device and headed toward the opposite side of the apartment to his home office.

Thankfully, but unusual for someone wanting to shield a corrupt venture, she hadn't applied a password or encrypted her files. Perhaps she thought me too stupid to look, he reasoned, a disheartening stab to his chest brought forth a somber expression.

He sat engrossed, slowly comparing notes and matching up a huge portion of the information gathered by the investigator with the time frames in her files. Blood drained from his face as he continued to read. There among the files on her laptop was undeniable evidence of her foreign ties to individuals not widely known in the literary underworld. At least to him.

His hand repeatedly rose to touch his face. Hundreds of questions prowled through his mind.

Deflated and disgusted, he fell back in his chair remembering those many nights sipping wine and reading her stories with satisfaction and joy in her capabilities as a writer. How proud he was to finally sponsor her with his publishing company.

Frederick stared blankly unappreciative of the lively decor Anita insisted would grow on him. How could she make a fool of me like that? Not only my good name in the industry, but an embarrassment to my company. Thoughts turned to their personal relationship. Did she marry me as a cover and to further her career and illegal activities? No time to dwell on the consequences of the verified evidence. That she was involved truly did sicken him to his core.

A yellow highlighter slipped from his hand before he rushed into their on-suite and deposited his dinner.

Returning, Frederick pushed the information aside and curled up on his small office couch. Immediately, an idea surfaced. Thankful it was a Wednesday, he called and made arrangements for two-days vacation.

Satisfied he was now free to continue probing, he contacted the investigator. Their face-to-face meeting provided a concise picture of the illegal world-wide operation his wife was associated with.

Not only did Frederick learn about his wife's association with the nefarious scammers, but gained insight into the illicit operation being conducted in the publishing industry worldwide. He sat on the pencil's lead in his dilemma.

Two days later, Anita returned.

[to be continued.]


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of 20 october 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2531: lack of credibility.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.



a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding


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