Day 1687 : 5 minutes Freewrite : Sunday - prompt : link


He couldn't see anything as he was blindfolded, but he tried to recall their movements.
"Was it two police check points?" he used that to keep his mind at pace.
"Mister, Mister untie my legs" the voice whispered.
"who are you?" he asked confused.
"come on, this is not the time for this" the lady said angrily.
"Okay, okay" he said moving to the direction he heard the voice, he moved his hands around to find her tied hands.
"careful" she said.
After they untied each other, they could see each other.
"what do have on you?" the lady asked.
"I don't understand what you mean by the question"
"they just brought me here" he was frustrated.
"I thought there was a link between the two of us, because I overheard them saying you will pay for what you did"
"the truth is I stole from that bitch, I wanted to teach her a lesson"
"why is she so powerful, having many men that work for her?" she said pissed.
"Which lady?" he asked.
"Madame Lydia of course"
"Lydia is my wife"
She was surprised "you must have done something bad, just think stupid"
"what? I only had dinner with my colleague yesterday" he explained.
"Ooooh, I see"
"you have a lot to explain to her then"
"but first I have to disappear from here"
"sort out the issue with your wife, there is no connection between us"
"and I was thinking it was the money"
"I knew it!!!, she couldn't find out that easily".

This short story is a five-minute freewrite inspired by the Sunday Freewrite prompt: "link". Join the @freewritehouse community to receive daily prompts, hosted by @mariannewest

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