Finding Home

You know it the second you see him, that he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. A small sigh escapes your lips and you find yourself nearly sliding down your locker.

“Can you possibly embarrass yourself any further?” your best friend, David, whispers from behind you, jolting you out of what can only be described as very wholesome thoughts.

You chuckle. “When did you get here?”

“Just in time to see you ogling Matt like he’s fresh piece of meat.”

“I mean who wouldn’t?” You sigh dreamily. Your best friend looks at you with barely hidden displeasure.

“But he looks weird and is arrogant and has a crooked nose too.”

But you’ve stopped listening to him as you continue gazing dreamily at Matt, who’s in his last year of high school while you’ve still got three years to go.

Contrary to what most people expect, you start dating Matt that year. It started with the most unlikely thing. Because you did not expect that a guy that seemed so macho wrote love stories as a hobby. And as your genre of choice was horror, it was like fire and ice coming together. You were drawn to him like moth to a flame even though he was of a different religious orientation from him and your parents didn’t approve. Even though it soured your friendship with David.

You wanted to prove that you were making the right decision being with Matt, to your parents and to yourself. So against your parents’ will, you go to study Journalism at the college Matt goes to for his Law degree. Without your parents’ knowledge, you move in with him. And those few years are the happiest ones of your life. There is something about rebelling for love that thrills you.

“They will come to understand soon enough,” you assure yourself.

But in the beginning of your last year of college, as you stare at the results after a random test at the hospital and see the words, you begin to think fast. PREGNANT. It is your final year of college and you are not ready for a baby. But starting a family young has been your dream, so you're set to make plans. It is with inexplicable joy that you jump out of the bus, result in hand, to the Law firm where Matt works as a junior legal practitioner. He’s not due home till another two hours but you can’t wait to share this news with him.

But then you never get there. Because just in front of the office is Matt. His back is to you but you can recognize that tall, lean form anywhere. You begin your tiptoe to surprise him but that’s when you realize that Matt is not alone. His tall form is blocking a much smaller person. And right there in front of you, you watch the man you’ve been in love with for the last seven years give a woman a kiss so passionate, it seems to stop time. Your eyes blur and you squeeze the paper still in your hands till it’s limp. Backpedalling, you run back home as fast as your legs can carry you.

It’s October, and everything around you is brown, orange and everything in between. You’re smiling at the antics of two ducks on the lake before you, sitting on the log that was once your favourite place in the world to write stories. You used to sit here with a certain someone, but that was nearly eight years ago. You gently rub your tummy and sigh. That too was a lifetime ago.

Your journal and pen is in front of you and you’re done with the outline of what you hope to be your second best selling book. The last one titled, “Finding Pain” has already been translated into three languages. And with the same gut instinct that told you it would be a bestseller, you feel the same for this one.

As you sit, still smiling, you feel a shadow creep on you. You discreetly feel your jacket to ensure that your pocket knife is somewhere reachable.

“Your parents said I might find you here,” the person says.

You still. Because that’s a voice you remember from what seems like a lifetime ago. Slowly, you turn. “David?”

“In the flesh,” he says chuckling. “I see you’re still trying to butcher everything that breathes.”

You have a hand to your mouth as you try in vain to stop your fingers from shaking. “David...” you repeat.

"Hey bestie...."

He stands and you stand too. You can tell it’s a moment for him as well because despite his attempt at humour, you see the pulsing at his left temple. A tell of anxiety from all those years ago. As you run into his arms, barely any words are uttered. But in the quietness of the lake and the still autumn air around you, you know you’ve found your home again.


My entry to the Freewtite Community's daily prompt.

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