The excuses of abandonment



Deep in your heart, the excuses of abandonment lodge, entangled in your thoughts, and overwhelm your being.

Excuses that show you relief, for not facing your fears, convince you that running away is better, even though the pain is intense.

You say you can't stay, that time is dragging you on and on, but in reality, you know it's a lie, and you don't want to admit it, for fear of failure.

You cling to empty excuses, you seek to justify your departure, but deep down you know, that leaving brings no joy.

It's easier to say goodbye than to fight for what you love, but in the end, you're left empty, full of regret and tears.

The excuses of abandonment are like chains on your feet, they bind you to sadness and loneliness, and do not let you be reborn.

You abandon those who love you, those who have given you their heart, you sink into darkness, and you lose all reason.

But I tell you, my dear friend, that true courage is in staying, in facing your fears and fighting, even if the road is hard to travel.

Don't let the excuses of abandonment, consume you and make you lose your way, because in the end, what really matters, is to be present and to love without assuming any whim.

Strip your heart of excuses, free yourself from those ties that bind you, open your eyes to reality, and find in love, your true clan.

Don't let the excuses of abandonment, keep you from what really matters, stand firm and fight, for only then will you find the peace that you now lack.

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