In the darkness



In the darkness of an indolent world, I was condemned to exile, in solitary, far from longing and joy, far from the light that showed the way.

Society, cruel and merciless, marked me as a wandering pariah, not understanding that in that solitude, the most resilient souls are forged.

In the distance, melancholy embraces me, nestling in my chest its sadness, remembering the days of longing, when I still enjoyed his company.

But in solitude, I discovered my strength, the tears shed created roots, the wounds turned into scars, and the courage that nestles in my life emerged.

Never mind the judgement of a cold society that ignores the power of solitude, because in the deepest silence, I have found my essence and my truth.

Nostalgia fades in my memory, for in exile I found redemption, free from the chains of a false history, I plunge into peace and acceptance.

Dying in solitude, no longer frightens me, for in it I found my greatest strength, reborn in each new dawn, with the courage to live in full purity.

I don't care if society doesn't understand that strong souls are forged in solitude, for in my exile I have found relief, where my heart blossoms and awakens.

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