SHAMAN My Freewrite for Day 929: 5 Minute Freewrite

This is my freewrite as inspired by the instructions and prompt given by @mariannewest for her Day 929: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: spirit animal



The smoke curled around the tips of his long beaded mustache as he sat hunkered in the cave. It would not be long before the the power of the prepared herbs took control of his being.

He had been chosen by his people and trained for many long seasons. The harrowing journey to the cave at the edge of the sea had been taken by many before him. Around him, dimly lit by the flickering of the fire danced thier creations. Animals of the spirit, of the plains charged brave hunters. Bountiful harvests of fish swam up deep blue meandering rivers.

It was now his job to let the spirits take control as he offered up a new prayer to the great beyond, to the ancestors, to the beat of the mother. He carried with him the entire future of his people. He took one last deep breath and let his body succumb to the welling in his soul. He grabbed the wrapped packets of fine ground powders painstakingly mined from the earth. He painted the wind. He painted rains and fields and animals. Flowing from his fingertips his imagination sprang forth, a bounty of the soul.

With dawn fast approaching he collapsed to the cavern floor, all life expunged from his body, offered up for his peoples dreams.


Thanks again for your time and attention!


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