Day 1577: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: his feet were bare || Van-Prousche Tower



Untamed, terrible and hungry for glory, the Sicilians made the prairie their new home, running across it with bare feet. They walked like those bulls that chased an unwanted intruder until they rammed him with their piercing horns.

The small villages that lay nearby mourned the assault of the cruel Sicilians who, among spears, knives and swords, seized food, money and hopes.

However, their main objective was not the conquest of the people's lament, but the plundering of the Van-Prousche tower. It was there that lay the legendary armors that would endow the Sicilians with unique powers in battle. Super strength, agility and daring would be theirs!

But, by the time the Sicilians wanted to enter the desired building, the tower itself rose up, like a golem, and shook them off and crushed them like insects. And the Van-Prousche tower remained as a mere legend once again.

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