The Mummy||A picture is worth A Thousand Words

"There's a mummy in the exclusive dark room, it's just two days old and it's already decaying, I suspect it has to do with the etiology of his death" Doctor Zakku said with a shaky voice. He gazed at the embalmed corpse in surprise, In his fifteen years of practice he had never experienced such a case. He went through his records again

"A 15 year old Egyptian soldier?" He mumbled in unbelieve and at the same time curious about his case. "Why does he look this old? and most importantly decaying even when embalmed" he said to himself in a soft tone.

Doctor Raj arrived the next day and headed to the dark room. He read through the file again as he examined the body "He died during the war, you said?" Doctor Zakku nodded, "he was rushed in here two days ago with an injury sustained from a bullet" he replied.

"Let me see the bullet," he demanded. After a short while, a Nurse arrived with a green metal bullet, sealed with a yellow silver cap. He opened it and realized it was filled with liquid , blue in color. He viewed it under a microscope and realized it was a virus aimed at paralyzing their victims.

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"I advise you to keep this particular mummy separated, no one knows the impact of it, '' Doctor Raj advised. Two days later, the embalmed clothes started to wear out. Fear gripped the health personnels, and it became a thing of caution to avoid the spread of certain virus, capable of causing harm to its affected victim.

"What should we do about this?" The hospital management director enquired

"Keeping him will only expose the public to danger, I advise he's buried and far away from people before it spreads," Doctor Zakku said.

He was given an honorable burial a day after. A week later, Doctor Zakku came to the mortuary and again saw one of the mummies with a symptom similar to the previous, he hoped it wasn't what he was thinking.

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