In life as in sport

We have been told in some famous movie that we all know that "life is like a box of chocolates". But putting ourselves somewhat philosophically, life is also a long-distance race in which to jump bumps and enjoy the wind in our favor at the same time. But what happens when the wind turns against us and we think we will lose the leading group and ourselves?

Image Source (Pexels)

Yes, that's life friends, with its joys and sorrows, or with its victories and defeats. But now in Olympic times we are in (Winter Olympic Games are being celebrated in Beijing) we all have to learn from those obstacles and above all, fight to overcome them, that is the spirit. It is true that sometimes it seems impossible to us, we feel lost and we don't know the route, we don't know where our career should go. Although sometimes you don't have to follow the peloton, you can run at your own pace. And as in sports, the same thing happens at work, are we just a job, a profession or a passion? If we are or believe we are something more than that, we should perhaps ask ourselves some questions...

Is it worth suffocating for results that do not depend entirely on you?

Is it worth giving explanations to those who really don't care?

Does it deserve to continue doing something that does not provide us with any incentive or personal illusion?

Do we deserve to be treated badly, humiliated or disrespected?

Is it worth paying with our vital time or with our health for a not so real or good stability?

And most importantly, don't I deserve better?

What do we think we deserve?

We can avoid many of these questions, justifying major evils and minor evils, we can go along as we go, but if we push too hard, to the limit, in the end we get injured or burned and it affects us. That's why, when signs start to come to you and some thoughts come to your mind, don't be so afraid, reflect, assess the pros and cons, or ask someone, do we need a coach too?

It is especially difficult now to believe that we can be brave, the current situation makes everything even more difficult, the pressure is even greater if possible, right? It seems that it is more prudent to stay in the aforementioned "comfort zone", but sometimes the routine kills too. Perhaps you have heard some of the phrases of the king of self-help Paulo Coelho like this: "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it's deadly."

On the other hand, surely you have met someone say "I have no life" or even yourselves. Well, to some it will seem like something that they can even brag about (if they have time to socialize), many others will accept it with resignation and there are those who will hate it, if you are one of the last and you are saturated, you can't take it anymore, you will have to think about your career so that it is part of your life, but not your whole life. Even elite athletes go through moments of reflection, and in some cases they need extra time due to mental health and anxiety problems, as it seems to have happened to the famous American gymnast Simone Biles in the past Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Everyone handles things differently.

Info Source (CNN)

Some of them don't really like their jobs or their bosses, but they have a good schedule and good colleagues to have a few giggles with, that can make us change our faces on those stressful mornings. Or maybe the people around you don't convince you, that you don't have much in common there, but you love the job, you could also progress because you're good and you know it... Or if that job at least allows you to live quite well, if the salary is enough decent, then, in those cases, you have found something motivating, some "deserves" that pushes you in those moments of exhaustion.

But if we ask ourselves what is worth it to us from what we do every day and we don't know what it is, if we feel like losers in the rear pack, further and further away and on top of that we get cramps, something is wrong... it is scary to think that we will have to ask for time out or waste time going to the pits. It's complicated, because giving up sounds like failure.

It is curious how wanting to stop feeling like zombies is cataloged on many occasions as irresponsible. You compare yourself and they compare you, they tell you what they have to say to you, you feel like you don't have more talent and you see that illusion doesn't really count much when it comes to "doing the math". If we are not able to give ourselves a new opportunity, do you think someone else has to give it to you?

The general view is usually: "I have this, it is not good but I have it". We will have energy for a while, maybe for a sprint, but we will end up without oxygen. That is why sometimes a change is needed, to breathe, plan the route, get massages or adjust engines... It is always scary because we will stop and lose, we will have stiffness and we will stall. It is difficult and sometimes almost impossible, but sometimes we must reinvent ourselves or change our strategy and drink something that helps, sugar water or vitamins. What?

Well, the sugar water or the vitamins can be the family, or the good friends, the husband or the girlfriend, a partner or the neighbor, whoever love you, appreciate or value. If someone supports you and applauds you, it will pass before you. At that time, we must re-learn, search with another new perspective and think with total honesty about ourselves, true self-knowledge is necessary. Because we don't all have the same goals and maybe we realize that we don't really want to run that same race, but we want to swim!

So if you're unmotivated, worried or burned, if everything hurts, stop, get out of the marathon and find your pool, listen to yourself and forget what those who don't know you well say because they can't see the future and they don't know what you might be capable of either, maybe don't even know that yourself.

Seek firm support, take a breath and create your new plan, get ready, maintain discipline and also respect yourself. And go back out on the pitch. In the end, both in life as in sport, we set goals and objectives, and we find obstacles and injuries... We have to learn to overcome them in the best way, with "mens sana in corpore sano" (healthy mind in healthy body). And sometimes, leaving or changing your comfort zone, competition, or whatever... you know, who doesn't take risks, doesn't win.

Cheer up champions!


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