... When I opened my eye, it was too late. I was heading down a ditch with full speed. I tried to hit the brakes, it was too late for that too. Just then the car hit a rock, with that much speed, the car summersaulted twice or maybe three times .. I couldn't keep count. luckily for me the car didn't make it all the way down the ditch, rather it came to rest at the foot of a big tree.

The car had stopped moving, but I could still feel my head moving and banging. I probably bashed my head on the dashboard several times. I was still alive, that part I was sure of. I couldn't feel so many parts of my body. It's a good thing I had my sit belt on.

I crept out of the wreck, gripping the briefcase tightly. I could barely stand, but I had to move as far away from the car as possible in case of an explosion.


I headed up the ditch, looking back I realized two things -my car, the one good thing I got out of THE JOB, was in a pretty bad shape. Secondly if the car went down a little further, I would have been a dead man.

Funny enough the sleep that led to all this mess was nowhere to be found. A distant church bell chymed 4 times indicating 4am, i realized I had been walking for several minutes, trying to find an open mall. Whatever happened to all the malls that keep boasting of their 24 hours services on ads.

I was freezing, thankfully the packet of cigarettes in my pocket survived the crash. I lit a stick as I approached a bar that was open.
As the door closed behind me, The bartender looked at me like she had seen a ghost.

"Get me the strongest drink you've got"

Looking at my reflection on the bar showcase, I realized why she looked at me strangely. I was still bleeding from my head, my clothes were stained with blood and dirt. I was a total mess.

The Door opened, I heard about five different footsteps approach me. I looked up. Holy crap! It was Appelt and his goons.

He said with A dark laugh

"Well Well! What do we have here, You Actually Thought You Could Steal From Me And Get Away With It?"

"No, I could never steal from you, I just needed it as a guarantee that your people will keep their end of the deal."

"Why Did You Have To Wait for everybody to leave before you left?"

"I had to use the toilet man! I've been on my toes all day."

"You had just one job, convince as many people as you can and get me more fresh blood."

"It's not that easy man! People of this century would rather be in their houses using their gadgets than to come listen to some boring motivational speech."

This wasn't helping, I needed a new plan. I could see their fangs emanate, their bloodshot eye were blazing at me. I could sense their thirst for blood. My brain was searching for solutions. I couldn't out run them, I couldn't fight them.

The bartender sensed danger, picked up her phone to make a call. Zzzzzz! with the speed of light one of the goons grabbed her and snapped her neck. Head deep in her neck he ingested as much blood as he needed.


It was just me and them now, they closed in on me, encircling me...

This Is My Entry For The #FinishTheStory Contest By @erh.germany Click HERE To Join The Fun.

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