A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - Entry for 12/22/2021


This is my entry for A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words from @freewritehouse

What do I see?

Three men that look like kings riding the desert at night under a bright star in the sky.

What do I feel?

I feel something magical and miraculous from this picture.

My story

The cold desert air seemed to cling tightly around my chest as we moved in convoy on our camels across the sands. Despite the darkness, I could see for miles across the valley to the peaks of the distant hills. The sand seemed to shimmer in the light cast by the bright star high in the sky.

We had agreed to continue our journey in the direction of the star once we had seen it a few nights ago rise above the desert. There was something that felt magical about the star. It felt as if something amazing was happening and the star was guiding us to an unknown victory. We were not sure what to expect. Perhaps some would say we were mad. The compulsion to move forward was extreme. So for the last few nights, once the sun had set and the desert had cooled, we set off on our journey.

It was not easy. We were tired, hungry and all of us had aching bodies. The terrain was tough too. It was slow progress and when the wind picked up, the sand got in our eyes, ears, mouths and into our clothing. My lips felt dry and cracked from the cold harsh air.

Yet despite the challenges, we all knew deep in our hearts that our quest was special and that we were on the right path.

I looked at my colleagues and smiles populated our faces.

Thanks to @freewritehouse for running this contest. Why not enter yourself?

Good luck to the other contestants!

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