Snottosaurus / Cold-Blooded and Hairy, The Ape - New Lino Illustrations

I have been handing out my lino prints left and right, these days.
okay, I am exaggering a little bit, but hey, I'm a storyteller

After bringing a fresh dino lino print to my 'neighbors' ( who are living at ten minutes walking distance from me ), the day before yesterday, I brought a bunch of linos along, to my twin sister, yesterday afternoon and my niece and nephew picked one that they really liked.

This is the lino print they selected: Snottosaurus


I made that one, yesterday morning or early afternoon, just before I cycled to their place to spend the afternoon, have a swim in the river bordering their land and enjoy dinner with them - some serous quality family time ).

Now I think of it, I believe I colored the icicle growing from Hypersensitivosaurus' nose icy blue, as well as the vibration / shiver lines ( Let's call them 'cold runnings' - remember that Jamaican bob sled team from the movie with that title )

I also explained to my niece and nephew that this was a unique print and that it was actually more special than their Pokemon cards ( that they and kids around them are kind of obsessed with, these days ), as Pokemon cards are far from unique ( I don't even wanna know how many prints there are of them ).
I also told them that my artwork might become valuable, if I'll ever become famous. Luckily for them, I'm their uncle, so close to them ( they basically grew up with me ) that they sometimes call me 'mom' or 'dad', mistakenly.

Then, this morning, I started working on another lino carving/ illustration, namely 'Hairy, The Ape'. I must say that I struggled somewhat ( am still struggling ) on the hairy part, as you can see in the following photograph:


On the right ( and first ) print, I used way too much black ink and I clearly didn't carve deep enough lines.

I kind of like this one, though:


And here is what the original illustration ( that I used as an example for this lino ), looked like:


It also shows you the very first line of that story, that can be found in my upcoming book.

The full Hairy, the Ape' story, as well as that of 'Snottosaurus ( Cold-Blooded ) plus 20 other tales can be found in my upcoming book.

It would be awesome if you choose to support me in my creative process, by buying my dino ( and, at times, other animals ) art on my NFT Showroom page

I am about to buy a lot more tools, ink, carving knives and all for future lino art and it would be amazing if I could use your donations for that.

Also, please let me know if you're interested in hanging some dino lino art on your fridge or walls and we'll try to work something out ;<)

Or you can already reserve a copy of this upcoming book - The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus: 22 Short Stories about Dinos and other animals - by sending me 22 Hive or 22 HBD. Postage will be calculated when the books are finally ready to travel your way.

Berries are also welcome ( you only need HBD - Hive Backed Dollars - for that though ). Yes, this friendly raptor likes fruit ( as mentioned in the story from defeat to fig tree ).

And if you're not active on Hive, you can always choose to gift a coffee to me, on here:

Big Raptor Hug,


with stretched out flexibilosaurus like tiny arms and without the razorsharp claws
( eventhough this supersensitive dino can't stand nail-filing)


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