Shooting star-Pixelart animation Day 11 DIY

shooting star.gif

Hi I'm thisnewgirl and this is my personal challenge to draw 1 pixelart daily, we continue on day #11

Good evening adventurers, ready to make a wish? I am !
If you have seen my previous posts you will know that every day I will upload a new pixelart and animate with frames to achieve it, if you are new reading my blog hello ! :3 I am in my personal challenge to pixel every day and animate every pixelart I make to become better... I hope at least to reach five months in a row, and see how much my art improves, the talent to create is empty if you don't use it, and even having talent you can learn and improve daily... I don't want to be a mediocre artist who is always in his comfort zone, I always push myself more and more and now that I'm writing I remember the words of my design teacher, every time she gave me a lower grade I used to complain and she used to tell me that she wanted me to always try harder and see "all that I could really do" that's how back then I was motivated to do better work and take my creativity to the maximum.

Today's theme was :

  • sunset
  • clouds
  • a woman
  • bonet
  • long dress

Buenas noches aventureros, listos para pedir un deseo? yo lo estoy !
Si has visto mis posts anteriores sabras que cada dia subire un pixelart nuevo y animare con frames para lograrlo,si eres nuevo leyendo mi blog hola ! :3 estoy en mi reto personal de pixelear todos los dias y animar cada pixelart que hago para volverme mejor... espero al menos llegar a los cinco meses consecutivos, y ver que tanto mi arte mejora, el talento para crear es vacio si no le das uso, e incluso teniendo talento puedes aprender y mejorar diario... no quiero ser un artista mediocre que siempre esta en su zona de comfort, siempre me empujo mas y mas y ahora que estoy escribiendo recuerdo las palabras de mi profesora de dise;o, cada vez que ella me ponia una menor nota yo solia quejarme y ella solia decirme que ella queria que siempre me esforzara mas y ver "todo lo que realmente podia hacer" asi fue como en aquel entonces me motive a hacer mejores trabajos y llevar al maximo mi creatividad.
La tematica de hoy fue :

  • atardecer
  • nubes
  • una mujer
  • bonet
  • vestido largo

Lets starto! Sketch

My sketches are always the nail biting stage, I think this is what makes me the most anxious when working, to help with my anxiety I always put a glass of water on my desk that I drink from whenever I feel stressed or can't take it anymore, and a lot of bass in my headphones :D
Making silhouettes, female bodies in pixelart is quite a challenge... especially if you don't know what size you will make the canvas this time. anyway, I made my basic figures and continued.

Mis bocetos siempre son la etapa de comerse las u;as, creo que esto es lo que me pone mas anciosa al momento de trabajar, para ayudar con mi ansiedad siempre pongo un vaso de agua en mi escritorio del que bebo siempre que me siento estresada o que no puedo mas, y mucho bass en mis audifonos :D
Hacer siluetas, cuerpos femeninos en pixelart es todo un desafio... sobre todo si no sabes de que tama;o haras el lienzo esta vez. en fin, hice mis figuras basicas y continue.


clean lineart

Having my lineart my only concern was: what exactly I was going to place in the background and how high the horizon was going to be... the colors I was going to use, so at first I had the idea of making some trees in the distance very small because they would be in the horizon... after making this dirty sketch of the background, I thought that it wouldn't be the best way because the trees would look like spots and not really like trees, so I decided to eliminate that idea completely, I decided not to worry about it because the background is what I always work on last, then I proceeded to focus on what really mattered at that moment the color, the eyes, etc of the main character.

Teniendo mi lineart mi unica preocupacion era: que exactamente iba a colocar en el fondo y a que altura iba a estar el horizonte... los colores que usaria, asi que en un principio tuve la idea de hacer unos arboles a la distancia muy peque;itos porque estos estarian en el horizonte... despues de hacer este boceto sucio del fondo, pense que no seria la mejor ida ya que los arboles se verian como manchas y no realmente como arboles, por lo que decidi eliminar por completo esa idea, decidi no preocuparme por ello ya que el fondo es en lo que siempre trabajo de ultimo, entonces procedi a enfocarme en lo que realmente importaba en ese momento el color, los ojos, etc del personaje principal.


Flat base skin color

I always make a flat base of color and in another layer using clipping mask I apply the other colors, either shadows or highlights.

Siempre hago una base flat de color y en otra capa usando clipping mask aplico los otros colores, ya sean sombras o luces.


I gived her some eyes

For the eyes use pale greens from the olive green palette and underneath this layer
and underneath the layer of these on top of the base layer of the skin i did the face shadows in two shades, brown and pink.

Para los ojos use verdes palidos de la paleta de verdes oliva
y debajo de la capa de estos encima de la capa de la base de la piel aplique las sombras del rostro en dos tonos, marron y rosado.


zoom out this is how it was looking so far.


Dress and bonnet flat colors

I used two colors that I like to combine the vinotint and the dark blue, this blue is close to the gray palette and the green palette.

Use dos colores que me gusta mucho combinar el vinotinto y el azul oscuro, este azul esta cerca de la paleta de grises y de la paleta de verdes


shadows for the dress to give it some volume


moar shadows for the dress and the hair!


highlights for the hair


look at the tinny shoes


close up, bonnet before applying shadow


Bonnet after


the background : grass


Clouds before


clouds after i did my magick ;3

(i spend like 1 hour doing the clouds wtf)

Total frames for the animation: 8

QWQ I am happy because I made shooting stars, animated hair movement and grass movement.

QWQ yo estoy feliz porque hice estrellas fugaces, anime el movimiento del cabello y el movimiento del cesped


Thanks for reading, if you like what I do leave a like ! comment what you would like to see me pixelate next time

dont forget to check my last posts:

save point space buns.gifSave point: @thisnewgirl/save-point-pixelart-animation-day-10-diy
forest healer.gifForest healer: @thisnewgirl/forest-healer-pixelart-animation-day-9-diy-hive-158694
ehh.gifBouncy goddess @thisnewgirl/bouncy-goddess-pixelart-day-8-diy-animation-engesp
water.gifTears: @thisnewgirl/tears-pixelart-day-7-diy-animation-engesp
slp animation.gifVampire Bat: @thisnewgirl/splinterlands-art-contest-week-295-or-vampire-bat-pixelart
hea.gifLight healer: @thisnewgirl/light-healer-animation-pixelart-day-5-engesp
cat girl.gifCat girl: @thisnewgirl/cat-girl-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp
roof girl.gifRoof girl: @thisnewgirl/roof-girl-pixelart-step-by-step-engesp-day-4
aurora.gifAurora: @thisnewgirl/aurora-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp
ekeleto.gifForgotten bones: @thisnewgirl/forgotten-bones-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp

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