Splinterlands Art Contest Week 295 | Vampire Bat-Pixelart

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Hi I'm this newgirl and this is my personal challenge to draw 1 pixelart daily, after a well deserved break we continue on day #6

For those who know me know that I like to draw cute and sexy girls C: and in this case I wanted to participate for the first time in the dynamics of #splinterlands
Taking the vampire bat card as my muse.
(I like bats a lot and if we add the vampire theme even more)

Hola soy this newgirl y este es mi reto personal de dibujar 1 pixelart diario, despues de un merecido descanso continuamos en el dia #6 Para quienes me conocen saben que me gusta dibujar chicas lindas y sexys C: y en este caso quise participar por primera vez en la dinamica de #splinterlands
Tomando como musa la carta de vampire bat.
(me gustan mucho los murciélagos y si sumamos la tematica de vampiros mas aun)

look at him Isn't he adorable? maybe I'm looking at him with the eyes of love, I should make the male version in the not too distant future 😍.

mirenlo No es adorable? quiza lo estoy viendo con los ojos del amor, deberia hacer la version masculina en un futuro no muy lejano 😍

Let's start with the horrible lineart base ! :D

mmm you seee... I was "happy" with my lineart, I thought I got the proportions right, AHAHA I said to myself "any mistakes will come out when I start applying color" and boy was I right.

yo estaba "feliz" con mi lineart, segun yo habia hecho las proporciones bien, AHAHA me dije a mi misma "cualquier error, saldra a la luz cuando comience a aplicar color" y vaya que estaba en lo cierto.


Hair colors and shades and .. OH MY GOD HER FACE

YEP I tried to continue applying color and thinking "it's not so bad maybe... maybe it's my ideas that her face looks weird" (they were not my ideas her face looks weird) then I decided to erase and partially redo her face because I could not continue coloring like that especially because if the changes were more complex than I expected I would have to change many things in the color layer of the face and hair, which in this case I did them all in the same layer (big mistake don't do that at home lmao)

YEP trate de seguir aplicando color y pensando "no es tan grave quiza... quiza son ideas mias que su cara se ve rara (no eran ideas mias su cara si se veria rara) luego decidi borrar y volver a hacer parcialmente su rostro porque no podia seguir coloreando asi sobre todo porque si los cambios eran mas complejos de los que esperaba iba a tener que cambiar muchas cosas en la capa de colores del rostro y cabello, que en este caso los hice todo en una misma capa (grave error no hagan eso en casa lmao)



i can fix her

(in fact I did) I started by erasing the eyes completely and redrawing them more delicately and carefully looking to the side, my main intention was to animate the movement of the eyes to the left, but well, as I was working I was deciding what changes to make, what to edit, what to add and what not to add.

(de hecho lo hice) comence borrando los ojos por completo y volviendo a dibujarlos mas delicada y cuidadosamente mirando hacia un costado con picardia, mi intencion principal era animar el movimiento de estos hacia la izquierda, pero bueno, a medida que iba trabajando iba decidiendo que cambios hacer que cosas editar que a;adir y que no a;adir.


Head done, now the flat colors for the body

At this point of my existence I didn't know what to do with the body, it was going to be a surprise but at the end of the month I will do a nsfw animation and I was deciding if I would do this character with or without clothes, the point is that we are not yet at the end of the month and doing this version without clothes now would completely ruin my plans... in the end I chose to go the way of god and put at least some clothes on her :D

En este punto de mi existencia no sabia que hacer con el cuerpo, iba a ser una sorpresa pero al final de mes hare una animacion nsfw y estaba decidiendo si hacia a este personaje con o sin ropa, el punto es que aun no estamos al final de mes y hacer esta version sin ropa ahora iba a arruinar por completo mis planes... al final elegi ir por el camino de dios y colocarle al menos algo de ropa :D


both wings ... BAT WINGS! >:3


Clothing and base color for wings


skin shadows

(i just used multiply option)


lights and shadows for the wings !


the end!

Finally, since it is a blood-sucking bat, add the word suck in a animation with the blinking of its eyes, frame by frame C:

Para finalizar, ya que es un murcielago chupa sangre, a;adi la palabra chupar en una animacion en vertigal con difuminado y el pesta;eo de sus ojos, frame por frame C:

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Thanks for reading, if you like what I do leave a like ! comment what you would like to see me pixelate next time

Gracias por leer, si te gusta lo que hago deja un like ! comenta que te gustaria ver que pixelara la proxima vez.

dont forget to check my last posts:

Light healer: @thisnewgirl/light-healer-animation-pixelart-day-5-engesp


Cat girl: @thisnewgirl/cat-girl-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp

cat girl.gif

Roof girl: @thisnewgirl/roof-girl-pixelart-step-by-step-engesp-day-4

roof girl.gif

Aurora: @thisnewgirl/aurora-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp


Forgotten bones: @thisnewgirl/forgotten-bones-pixelart-animation-step-by-step-engesp


You can find me on:

instagram as:

and in Showroom as :



if you want to commission me just write me here, or ig C: ok bai


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