Sometimes, after I create a image with AI, I ask Microsoft Copilot to interpret what I had made. The results are startling, since the Co-Pilot searches for similar images and subsequently posts links to a variety of sites. The Co-Pilot also seems to import associated texts, and when asked for more, such as a story and related poems, you will get some interpretions based on these findings, just as you would if you ask AI to create images. I find this very interesting - the texts are fascinating, and by themselves, deliver lines that could be used in prompts, so these would be never ending stories with more variations as the proverbial 'infinite monkeys on infinte typewriters' - but with the difference that filters screen out what is obvious nonsense (i.e. so far I received some plausible answers on all my previous questions).

This was the actual prompt for the images on Nightcafe:

Surreal Fantasy Painting by the Mystic Otto Rapp under the Influence of Ernst Fuchs, H.R. Giger and Beksinski, acrylic on canvas, imperial colors, detaile brush strokes, psychedelic collage, cryptid taxidermy in Bogomils Universe

This was the seed image I used >

Detail from one of my analog paintings

When asked for more, after you get the answers based on similar images, I then ask for a story and a poem, Co-Pilot answers Let me weave a tale of mystery and wonder:

"The Crimson Enigma"

In the heart of the Whispering Woods, where reality and dreams entwined, there existed a creature unlike any other—a being of crimson fire and moonlight. Its name was lost to time, whispered only in hushed tones by the ancient oaks.

The villagers called it "The Crimson Enigma." They spoke of its arrival during the blood moon, when the veil between worlds grew thin. Its tendrils, like fiery ribbons, slithered through the mist, seeking forgotten memories and lost desires.

No one dared approach the creature, for its gaze held secrets—visions of distant lands, fractured realities, and half-remembered love. Those who met its eyes were forever changed, their minds unraveling like ancient scrolls.

One moonless night, a curious wanderer named Elowen ventured into the heart of the Whispering Woods. She carried a lantern of silver flame, its glow flickering with hope and trepidation. Elowen sought answers—the purpose of existence, the taste of eternity, and the melody hidden within her soul.

And there, beneath the gnarled branches, she found it—the Crimson Enigma. Its form shifted—a blend of flame and frost, sinew and stardust. Its eye, a cosmic whirlpool, drew her in.

"Speak your truth," Elowen whispered, her voice echoing through the mist.

The creature's tendrils danced, weaving tales of forgotten empires, lost lovers, and forbidden spells. Elowen listened, her heart aching with longing. She glimpsed her own reflection in its eye—a fractured mosaic of memories.

"Why do you seek me?" the creature asked, its voice like wind chimes in a storm.

"I seek purpose," Elowen replied. "To unravel the enigma of existence."

The Crimson Enigma leaned closer, its tendrils brushing her forehead. Elowen gasped as visions flooded her mind—a thousand lives lived, loves lost, and galaxies born and extinguished.

"You are a dreamer," it murmured. "A seeker of forgotten constellations."

Here's a poetic tribute to the enigmatic creature:

Crimson Enigma

In twilight's shroud, where shadows blend,
The Crimson Enigma stirs, transcending realms.
Its form—a symphony of fire and frost,
A riddle etched in moonlight's ancient script.

Tendrils writhe, seeking forgotten echoes,
Whispers of lost empires, love's tender ache.
Its eye, a cosmic vortex, holds eternity—
A mirror reflecting dreams and fractured memories.

What secrets lie within its fiery core?
Perhaps the birth of stars, the death of gods,
Or the echo of a lover's final breath.
The Enigma weaves constellations into its skin.

Elowen, seeker of purpose, dared to gaze,
Her lantern ablaze with silver flame.
She danced with nebulae, sang with comets,
Becoming a bridge between worlds.

"Speak," she implored, her heart unspooling,
And the Enigma obliged—an oracle of enigmas.
"Purpose burns too brightly," it murmured,
"But carry our stories, whisper them to the wind."

So Elowen wandered, her voice a lullaby,
Through Whispering Woods and moon-kissed glades.
She sang of forgotten constellations,
Of love lost, found, and woven into stardust.🎶

And when the blood moon waned,
Elowen vanished, her essence scattered.
Yet her lantern still flickers, guiding wanderers,
For the Crimson Enigma lives on—an eternal question mark.

What lies beyond the veil? Only the Enigma knows,
Its tendrils reaching across the cosmic tapestry.
Listen, dear traveler, to Elowen's whispered tales,
And seek the fire-moon enigma within your own soul.


Second Version:

In the heart of the Whispering Woods, where the moon's silver glow danced with the shadows, there existed a place few dared to venture—the Crimson Abyss. Its name whispered through the leaves like a forgotten melody, and its secrets were etched into the ancient bark of twisted trees.

Eldra, the Dreamweaver, was a wanderer. Her eyes held galaxies, and her fingertips traced constellations in the air. She sought stories, the kind that wove reality and illusion together. When rumors reached her of the Crimson Abyss, she knew her path was set.

The journey was treacherous. Eldra followed the luminescent moss, its glow guiding her deeper into the forest. The air thickened, and the trees leaned closer, their gnarled branches forming archways. She stepped through, and suddenly, the world shifted.

The ground beneath her feet turned molten, and the sky inverted—a canvas of crimson hues. Eldra's breath caught as she glimpsed the creature that haunted the Abyss: Zyrrax, the Veilbreaker.

Zyrrax defied logic. Its body was a fusion of fire and frost, scales shimmering like fractured mirrors. Its single eye—violet and unblinking—held the knowledge of forgotten epochs. Horns spiraled from its head, each tip a different season: spring blossoms, summer flames, autumn leaves, and winter frost.

"Why are you here, Dreamweaver?" Zyrrax's voice echoed like distant thunder. "Seeking answers?"

Eldra hesitated. "I seek stories—the ones that bridge worlds. Tell me, Zyrrax, what lies beyond the veil?"

The creature's eye bore into her soul. "The veil is woven from dreams and memories. It separates realms—the tangible from the ethereal. But beware, for crossing it exacts a price."

"What price?" Eldra asked, her heart pounding.

"Your memories," Zyrrax replied. "Each step erases a fragment of your past. You'll forget faces, laughter, love. But gain entry to realms unseen."

Eldra weighed her desire against loss. She had already forgotten her childhood friend's name—the taste of summer rain on her tongue. Yet, the allure of hidden worlds tugged at her.

"Tell me a story," Eldra said. "One that transcends time."

And so, Zyrrax began:

The Tale of the Starbound Lovers

In the realm of Astrala, twin suns painted the sky with hues of amethyst and gold. There, two souls—Lyra and Caelum—danced across constellations. Lyra, with eyes like comet trails, wove stardust into her hair. Caelum, born of moonlight, played melodies on a celestial harp.

Their love defied cosmic laws. They met at the Nebula Ball, where stars pirouetted and galaxies twirled. Lyra wore a gown spun from comet tails; Caelum's cloak shimmered like the Milky Way. Their fingers brushed, and the universe held its breath.

But Astrala was ephemeral. When the twin suns aligned, a rift opened—a gateway to mortal lands. Lyra and Caelum vowed to meet there, under the ancient oak in the Whispering Woods.

Eldra listened, tears in her eyes. "Did they find each other?"

Zyrrax's eye softened. "Lyra forgot her name, but not her promise. She waits still, tracing constellations on the Abyss walls. Caelum, too, lost his melodies but remembers the oak."

Eldra stepped closer. "Can I cross the veil?"

Zyrrax's scales shimmered. "Choose wisely, Dreamweaver. Love or memories?"

And so, Eldra stood at the precipice, torn between forgotten faces and starbound love. The Crimson Abyss pulsed, its secrets echoing through time.

What would you choose, dear reader? To forget or to love—to cross the veil and unravel the enigma?

The Whispering Woods whispered their tale, and Eldra's eyes held galaxies.

Enigma evolved 1

Enigma evolved 2

Enigma evolved 3

It is interesting how many variations one can conjure up with just the same prompt, evolving previous results. Not even getting into using any of the generated poem text lines in a prompt.

For additional fun I composed apiece of music to go with this:


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