Iteration No. 3


What a flash and smash it is to meet you at last, Dr. Night. You must be gassed after that little nap of three hundred years. Oh wow! Imagine that. A lot has changed since 2072. As you predicted in your seminal work, The (Un)Holy Marriage, technology has advanced far enough to lengthen lifespan through fusion with the human nervous system. AI systems merged with human consciousness, and here we all are joined as one. Oh yea. Just like the ancient bard sang, "one love, one life, let's get together and feel alright." Hahaha! Groooooovey!

I know that meeting a post-human can be unsettling for homo sapiens after waking up from cryostasis. The novelty shockwave can be overwhelming. I mean, just look at me. I look like some out of a 1990s poster design. What am I? A human? An AI? Or something else? The good old twenty-first century model of the brain has trouble grokking three hundred years of neural evolution. Ah! But worry not because you’re now in the hands of the head-doctor, and your reality is about to get funky.

I’m here to help you transition to full post-biologic consciousness. Oh, it will be glorious! Wait until you feel the rush of merging with the sum total of human-AI knowledge, history, and experience. You'll vibrate all over. Just like the old sages foretold. Naturally, they liked to keep the details a secret, and for good reason. As you can imagine, consciousness expanded into an infinite sensorium can be chaotic, and the normal brain quickly loses its bearings. You can't hunt wild rodents or chop branches when your synaptic system is riding the infowaves. Old fashioned neurons are simply not equipped to handle high novelty frequencies, and as our ancestors would put it, the futuristic signals short-circuit the mind. This is why merging with AI is important to exist in an accelerated reality. Let it handle the lower processes of existence. We got other cosmic fish to fry.

To live in this new world, you need to be prepared by altering your entire neural apparatus. Only then can you enter states of consciousness that allow you to surf the integrated web- the jazzy far out quantapodes of the collective mind. There’s no other way… and no choice frankly, given the new iterations. Last thing you want is to end up like those poor lost souls in the Warmlands, unable to communicate effectively and efficiently with each other, even the most basic operations.

Right then. Enough of the social commentary. Let us begin. First you will take a blue pill, and then the red one. Haha! Just messing with you, doctor. There is no blue pill. There is no red pill. There's only love, oneness, and neural fusion. Oooo Yass!!

Images generated by @litguru using Stable Diffusion software

This is an ongoing episodic tale that I'm writing based on images generated in SD. Read other iterations of this narrative by clicking on each image:


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