"Revelations of the Umber Eclipse" — (original fiction + digital art) — COLLAB with @ethanaphex

Revelations of the Umber Eclipse

collaborative post
images by @d-pend,
writing by @ethanaphex



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Revelations of the Umber Eclipse

Cycling wheels of time, accretion disks of accumulated experience, mandala-glimmers of diaphanous liquid weft

-hybrid entity

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Adam Corr stands in the light of astonishment. Tears of Nohonic mynd-water stream from his awe-bestruck face. Standing in the hot sands of the Va'ama desert, he stares into the warm orange heart-light of the Umber Eclipse: that rare alignment of Managamar and Arcturus in the Vekkian sky that tints the whole world yellowy orange. Such an eclipse occurs once every hundred zodes, and Dr. Corr is one of a few honored 'clipse-scribes chosen from the Attikaälus Institute to document the event. He has been outfitted with a portable Nohonic analyzer: a device that uses the quantum wave forms of consciousness to determine fundamental truths. With this cosmic machinery as his aid, Dr. Corr casts his eyes upon that age-old mystery of Vek, the quintuple-star system known as the Quinqunx, and waits for an onrush of enlightenment.

* * *


The ætheric resonance headset hums into life and at the same time disappears from his field of view, all of its HUD elements dissolving away to reveal the cool blue disc of Arcturus just as the red lens of Managamar begins to form a luminous Venn diagram in the desert sky.

"Ahh," breathes Dr. Corr. Then he delves into his mynd, where the swirling æther of the somatic landscape forms an intricately detailed network of instantaneously elucidated thought impressions and crystallized, fully coherent ideas, sparkling with a clarified intuition completely unknown in the muddled miasma of human waking experience.

Clocklike ineffable rotations of the Quincunx solar array, lenses of altered causality sliding into place interacting with Nohon/Love to promote Magic/Beauty

Language streams through him like phantasms passing on a lazy river. Meanings evade him, but he can detect the interlocking of subconscious gears as they turn into place in the murky depths below his mind like the vast aquatic machines of the Lycanthro leviathan.

The headset emits an eerie green light as ancient human consciousness, via the conduit of Adam Corr's mind, stirs within the arcane lattice of its Nohonic motherboard. Ever restless, as it always has been, this entity incorporates the collective sense impressions of each living human to form an archetype golem of reality, a sapienscape into which it desires to leap and populate with its own purified visions and creatures and congealed narrative scenarios.

Dr. Corr maintains utmost focus. His vision is densely layered with sensoria both real and chthonic, occult, submerged. Blue phase-shifts through red into strange umber orange before his eyes.

As the eclipse approaches totality and the Arcturan disc becomes occluded by the warm orb of Managamar, the solar corona of Arcturus becomes visible. Loops and coils of magnetized plasma play at the periphery of the disc, surging like a tempestuous ocean, forming and reforming in a constant moil of agitated energy. As the Umber Eclipse darkens into true totality, the deeper loops of the Infiniquinqunx Lattice become visible for the first time in a hundred zodes. Sacred solar geometries emerge, encompassing the entire sky in magnetic field lines.

First was the octahedron, says the meta-consciousness-Adam hybrid. Eight faces, each a perfect triangle, face into the abyss

Adam Corr is fully aware of the danger of his situation. The entity that is consciousness is capable of revealing the underlying structure of the Quincunx suns, but it is also hungry for new worlds and would happily devour the good doctor. Without the Nohonic headset, this outcome would simply result in Dr. Corr's insanity, but with the corporealizing capacities of the headset in action, the objective nature of reality would be destroyed. As a means of protection, Dr. Corr visualizes a towering fortress wall encircling him on the somatic landscape. Over the wall comes the voice of the hybrid entity, expounding on the mysteries of the Quinqunx. With this mnemonic barrier in place, Dr. Corr relaxes on the somatic sands and lets the wisdom of creation pour over him.

After the dimming of the Arcturan Octahedron, caused by the creation of the mechanized suns, the Germ of Life emerged to fill the volume of the Heliosphere

"- .... . / . -. --. .. -. . . .-. ... / .-- . .-. . / --. . --- -- . - .-. .. ... - ...", bleeps the headset in a mental barrage of Morse code. The fortress wall shakes, and Adam leaps to his feet in terror, scattering somatic sand in a shimmering digitzed arc.

The hybrid entity intercepts this crude transmission from the Attikaäkus uplink and hurls the translation over the fortress wall, causing its structure to crumble and rift into pixelated fragments of masonry and block-chain data. "The engineers were geometrists!"

Vek, a paradise, shunted into existence through the mechanism of ancient solar geometries, now spins hapless and lost, its progenitors long sublimed and its present denizens submerged in recursive layers of infolding ignorance •̀_•́

The pastoral cosmological soliloquy has turned dark. Adam Corr braces himself against the increasing rage of the hybrid consciousness and rapidly flicks through the mental involutions required to safely disengage his psyche from the Nohonic analyzer.

All the while, the Infiniquinqunx forms a gorgeous, sky-encompassing flower of life in the desert sky, a vast lattice of interwoven circles of magnetic force weeping blue light into the black corridors of space.

As Dr. Corr makes his escape through the convoluted interior of the somatic labyrinth, he hears the voice of the hybrid entity bleeding through cracks in the maze walls. An errant strain of Christian neologism has seeped into its maddened monologue.

The void is God is Horus, I can show you God as the void as one, the eye that is the nature of emptiness, the point of no dimensions

"Silence!" shouts Adam into the soma-space, dashing down a non-Euclidian staircase and tripping over its Escher-like jagged steps. A downward-turning hallway leads him onto an elongated Möbius strip. He is trapped, a caged ant, forever coiling, exiled.

There is no time, only static omnipresence penetrated by the beam of consciousness to form the twelve boundaries of Hexagrammaton

"Let me out!" screams the doctor. Falling to his knees, he wracks his brain for logical points of ingress through which he may crack the hybrid's ineffable mysticisms.

Here comes the spherical membrane of Eve, look as she spins her form from the six vertices

"Ah! The Creation!" Adam shakes as understanding pours through him. "And I shall play the role of the true God: the snake."

Endless replicas of the vesica pisces, rotating lenses in the solar Quincunx, patterns of God/Engineer before Completion/Sublimation into human consciousness

Adam stands on the vertiginous edge of the Möbius and addresses the entity in a commanding voice. "Hear me!"

Solar light gliding through holocaust abysses of time, each vortex iteration throwing off worlds as petals fall from the flower of Osiris

"In the beginning was the Word, a singularity within the fullness of the pleroma which existed before, and since the Word wished to create, He sought the craftsman to do His work, and thus the world was made, not by the hand of God, but by the Demiurge."

Adam Corr falls silent. The hybrid consciousness has also ceased to speak, and the somatic landscape has once again become endless dunes of polygonal sand. The exit is a large, intricately engraved wooden door, standing erect before him. He can see the swirling blue light of the Infiniquinqunx glowing through the portal. Wiping away electronic tears, he steps through the doorway into the Va'ama desert beneath the ancient rays of the eclipsing suns. Removing the headset, he collapses to the sand and weeps the true mynd-tears of corporeal reality.

* * *

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   How did you outwit the meta-consciousnous?

Dr. Corr:

 The two friends sit at a street-side cafe in the desert-bordering town of V'benj.

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Original post compiled by @d-pend
for the Alien Art Hive Community.

Images created by combining generative art,
photography, and 3D effects in Final Cut Pro.
Writing by @ethanaphex, used by permission
to create this collaboration! 50% beneficiary set.

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