"Agpyrriqqitug Speaks" — (original fiction & generative art)

Agpyrriqqitug Speaks

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| — writing and images by @d-pend — |
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Agpyrriqqitug Speaks

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I. Viqituuk

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“Arise, O Agpyrriqqitug! Thou molten Voice of Yod that murmurs here below the neverending howl of tundra, thou livid Heartbeat of Vek — unveil my ears that I may comprehend thee, Mouth of Magma! Perfect my flame of spirit, align my na’an all — make me the cold receptacle of thy e’er-endless warmth.”

— ancient Lava Prayer, circa 300s M.E. {Modern Era}


After the fire prayer’s recitation, the subterranean chamber resounded with a weird resonance that seemed to amplify the bubbling of the insistent magma that frolicked within eclectic-size pools around the enormous cavern. Numerous figures in various-colored robes were gathered in peculiar formations around the different pools. I myself was clothed in the greyish garb of a lesser Magma Monk as I stood there chameleonlike, discreetly observing from the ritual’s periphery. A select few in glowing orange attire were standing at equidistant points on the beautiful ledge of the main magma lake.

Suddenly, a vortex began to emerge from the middle of the lava lake. Not a soul breathed as the strange maelstrom was born. It coiled, swarmed and seethed — lazily at first, then gathering speed and reversing itself such that it became a conical spike of magma that emerged ever higher from the surface. At the same time the overall liquid level of the pool diminished on the sides, revealing more of the decorative, geometric barrier around the edges of the main lake.

The barrier rim was quite the spectacle to behold. It was impossible to tell whether the bizarre and intricate geometric protuberances of glowing crystal, metal, viscera and stone were religious decorations — or highly technological magic gadgets that somehow interacted with the magma to produce various effects. Personally, I suspect they are something of both, as they were gorgeous to gaze upon as well as radiating a penetrating array of magical light, which grew ever-brighter as the pillar-spike grew larger.

In any case, it was extremely impressive: beholding the beautiful and disturbing wall as the supernatural lava spike emerged from the lake caused the sensation of being suspended very high up by only a thin thread in this benevolent spy’s stomach. [You see, I was there on behalf of the Övran Council — to add to the knowledge of our city’s vast coffers of Truth!] Then, something occurred to the magma spike that caused my guts to completely drop through the solid vek below (metaphorically speaking of course. I am no Displacer!)

The lava pillar-spike was, unbelievably, becoming more and more humanoid as it grew in size — though to use that adjective is only approximative, so inhuman was the Thing that emerged. Too many savage limbs with jagged digits of fire, too-grotesque and -numerous eyes, too-vibrant and -gutpiercing hues were blasting out of the pillar as it morphed, I assumed, into the infernal, terrifying, and awe-inspiring visage of Agpyrriqqitug himself — Demiyod of Magma, distant kin of the First Line of Yod’s Loin. He was, then, more than the feverish imaginings of the sheltered scholars of Övran! When the Demiyod began to speak, I swear that I near-fainted, so much molten power coursed through those vek-shaking tones.

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II. Dæmviziquis

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My throat still tingled as the prayer of my Yod lingered upon it and my Yod came forth from the lava lake before my trembling body, as I balanced on the precipice of fiery dissolution. How long I had waited for this day, preparing nonstop for a quarterzode to be the primary summoner of Agpyrriqqitug. Love and pride swelled within my chest as I reflected upon the raw bravado and power with which I had intoned the dulcet lines of the holy recitation.

My Yod was coming into physical existence right before me. I could not think of aught else. His beauty and glory was beyond description, just as I had always been told — even though that answer had irritated me, so useless was it. I had to admit, I could never hope to capture the graceful convolutions of his subtly-morphing visage in words either. Still, nothing else mattered now that I saw with my own two eyes my Yod and vindicator Lord Agpyrriqqitug pulsing with infinite power only a few meters away from me. Everything I had learned was true. Everything I had done was worthy. I almost melted with overwhelm as my Yod began to speak in thundering profundity.

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III. Agpyrriqqitug

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Greetings from the Nohon, mortals. I, Agpyrriqqitug, have come before you to bestow upon you great power, knowledge, and responsibility this day. It is not possible for your pathetic imagination to encompass the glory and terror you shall experience henceforth. All you faithful — yes, even unto the most egregious doubters of the recent past — shall be raised up this day. You are mercifully forgiven for your transgressions. You shall feel the pain and joy of Yod, as I do — though to a lesser degree. The legends passed down amongst your ancestors are true.

You shall once again live within the magma as you once did. Prepare to swim at near-lightspeed through the enormous lava veins of the planet and establish colonies beneath the feet of the ignorant surface-dwellers! Yes — I see your fear. You have become used to breathing air and eating flesh as the other mundane humans do upon Vek. Soon enough, you shall cast this disgusting lifestyle and all nostalgia for its habits from you as so much worthless rubbish.

I will now set in motion the Spell of Yod that will transmute you all. I need explain nothing more now, so much will be instantly revealed to you when you complete your transformation. This knowledge is preserved in the Lava itself — Heartbeat of Fiery Infinity. Now, for the mortal who is called Dæmviziquis, there is but one more thing…


To be continued...


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Original writing and images
by Daniel Pendergraft
— created for HIVE —
published on Jan. 12, 2022.
Writing is fully original
and can be considered a first draft/blueprint
towards eventual completion of a piece
shared and preserved immutably on blockchain.

Images are generated with Wombo Dream,
scaled up, and further iterated using Deep Dream Generator,
then finished using Final Cut Pro for editing & combination.

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