Twilight basilisk | splinterlands

Hello everyone!
I hope you all are good and having a blessed day.

This is my entry for @splinterlands contest of this week.
I have chosen the character of twilight basilisk, because it seems so attractive and the beautiful patterns on his skin and with different colors is looking so nice.
It seems like its slippery and scaly skin shines and showing beutiful designs. It has it's own unique charm.

I'm going to make this character on my sketch book now lets start discuss about materials used for this beautiful sketch.


▪️Blank white paper
▪️Pencil, eraser, sharpener

Now let's start :
First of all I start making his mouth, I drew his sharp teeth along with his long and protruding tongue.
It's quite fun for me to draw an amazing character of twilight basilisk.

Then further I make his full body artwork. His sharp eyes are so attractive. It seems like his forked tongue tastes the air. Now my rough sketch is complete and then I started coloring it. Cleaning the edges to define the drawing.

Now i start coloring it with different colors. I use pencil colors intead of markers because I think pencil colors are looking more decent and elegant then marker colors. I use the same colors as the original character have.

After completing all the steps I present to you all the amazing twilight basilisk. I had a lot of fun making this art and its looking so nice.
Let me show you the final looks. If i made any mistake ignore it.

Let's meet you next week with another amazing art.
See you soon✨

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