Spineback wolf/splinterlands

Hello buddies!How are you all doing?
Like every since I have joined hive,I eagerly wait for the renewal of @splinterland week contest. Both finding the character and then making it are very exciting hobby for me. Usually on Tuesday I find character and then till Wednesday I work on it to make it more beautiful amd bring excellence in my work.

I am here with my another entey for this week @splinterlands contest.

The reference character I used is "spineback wolf"

Material required

Ibix x paint software
Digital pen


First of all,I made the outline of the character.
I started from the face and outlined head first and then delicatey sketched the feature of wolf. I made sure that I don't miss any of it's features like hair are the beauty of wolf so I was much concernef about them.

After making the face I sketched out the remaining body of wolf in sitting position. The body I wanted to create had little bent weight on limbs. Via few lines I referred some characteristics of it

Then I made tail of wolf and awarded eyes to my character.

Now the time was to give colours to character. As the reference had black colour so I painted my character with black colour.

In the next step I painted ears of wolf with yellow colour emulating it with soines of the character and fillled the eyes with red shade

Character was ready,I wanted to beauty it further and tried many backgrounds but only background that suited my character was

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