Slatkiš za podizanje raspoloženja! 🧁🧁🧁A mood-boosting candy!

Ovih dana zaista puno obaveza pa nekoliko dana nisam stigla da napišem post iako je bilo puno toga da se ispriča. Umorila sam se od jurnjave i poželela da ugodim sebi i oraspoložim se nekim slatkišem. S obzirom da nisam imala energije za komplikovan recept, napravila sam nešto za šta vam ne treba puno sastojaka i pravi se brzo!
Dakle, evo kako sam napravila moj mali kutak radosti. 🥰🧁🍏
Prvo isečete slatke jabuke na komade i obratite ih nekoliko minuta a zatim ih stavite u blender.

Really a lot of obligations these days, so I didn't get to write a post for a few days, even though there was a lot to tell. I got tired of the rush and wanted to please myself and cheer myself up with some sweets. Since I didn't have the energy for a complicated recipe, I made something that doesn't need a lot of ingredients and is quick to make!
So here's how I created my little corner of joy. 🍏
First, cut the sweet apples into pieces and turn them over for a few minutes, then put them in a blender.



Zatim otopite čokoladu i sipate u jabuke.Zatim izmiksate. Apsolutno više ništa vam ne treba. Znači jabuke+čokolada. Nema margarina, jaja, šećera, ulja. . .

Then melt the chocolate and pour it into the apples. You absolutely do not need anything else. So apples + chocolate. No margarine, eggs, sugar, oil. . .






Kada ste izmiksali, pripremite silikonske kalupe i napunite ih miksanom smesom.

Once you have mixed it, prepare the silicone molds and fill them with the mixed mixture.


Kad se kolač ohladi, možete prevrnuti kolač i poslužiti bez kalupa. Ali ako ste jako gladni, mora ostati u kalupu.

When the cake has cooled, you can turn the cake over and serve without the mold. But if you are very hungry, it must stay in the mold.



Korpice koje su napunjene možete ukrasiti rendanom čokoladom ili šarenim mrvicama.
Svaku korpusu stavite na poseban tanjir i napravite sliku od viljuške. Kako? Stavite viljušku na tanjir i pospite je kakaom ili cimetom a zatim podignite viljušku.
Dobićete sjajan otisak viljuške koji će dodatno očarati goste.

You can decorate the filled baskets with grated chocolate or colorful crumbs.
Put each carcass on a separate plate and make a picture of a fork. How? Put the fork on the plate and sprinkle it with cocoa or cinnamon and then lift the fork.
You will get a great fork print that will further enchant your guests.





Umetnost možemo videti u svemu. Čak i od kuvanja možete napraviti umetnost. Kada odem u prodavnicu, shvatila sam jednu stvar, a to je da 70% proizvoda prodaje ambalaža. Šta nam to govori? Govori nam da ljudi vole da je nešto lepo na oko, ako je lepo upakovano oprostiće vam čak i nesavršen ukus. Ali ova poslastica je lepa i na oko ali i ukus je savršen. Ako su slatkiši na okupu, onda su još lepši! 🧁🧁🧁🧁

We can see art in everything. You can even make art out of cooking. When I go to the store, I realized one thing, and that is that 70% of the products are sold by the packaging. What does that tell us? It tells us that people like something to look good on the eyes, if it's nicely packaged they'll forgive you even for imperfect taste. But this delicacy is beautiful to the eye and the taste is perfect. If the sweets are together, then they are even more beautiful!





Ako poslasticu ukrasite i nekim Božićnim ili novogodišnjim kolačiće, utisak će biti još bolji.
Uživajte i sa srećom u Novu 2024!

If you decorate the treat with some Christmas or New Year's cookies, the impression will be even better.
Enjoy and good luck in New Year 2024!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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