Hrskavi zeleni zalogaji. 🥦🍷Crispy Green Bites. 🥦🍷

Danas sam napravila pauzu od slikanja i odlučila da napravim nešto ukusno da nepca uživaju. . .
Nešto lagano, zdravo, zeleno. . .

Today I took a break from painting and decided to make something delicious for the taste buds to enjoy. . .
Something light, healthy, green. . .
Off we go...


Dakle obarila sam brokoli. Sve jedno je da li ćete ga obariti u cvetu pa kasnije iseći ili odmah iseći.
Lakše je izvaditi ceo cvet. Ja sam tako.
Kada se brokoli malo ohladi, svaki cvet preko papira za pečenje, zgnječiti čašom.

So I cut down the broccoli. It all depends on whether you cut it in flower and cut it later or cut it right away.
It is easier to remove the whole flower. I am like that.
When the broccoli has cooled a little, crush each floret over the baking paper with a glass.





Zatim napravite smesu od maslinovog ulja, paprike i belog luka, kojim ćete premazati brokoli.




Možete odmah izrendati i beli luk pa ubaciti u taj sos a možete i naknadno narendati preko već namazanog brokolija.

You can immediately grate the garlic and add it to the sauce, and you can also grate it over the already spread broccoli.


Kada sam premazana brokoli, narendala sam tvrdi sir ( kačkavalj ). Možete bilo koji sir koji se topi.

When I coated the broccoli, I grated hard cheese. You can use any melting cheese.


Stavila sam u prethodno zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni da se peče oko 40 minuta.
To je to! Hrskavi brokoli je gotov,osećate li kako miriše beli luk? 😁

I put it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees to bake for about 40 minutes.
That's it! Crispy broccoli is ready, can you smell the garlic? 😁



Možete da birate u šta ćete umočiti ove ukusne zelene zalogaja, moj izbor je grčki jogurt.
Dodala sam i heljdina pitu da pojačan ukus. 🥰
Bon apetit!

You can choose what to dip these delicious green bites in, my choice is Greek yogurt.
I also added buckwheat to the pie to enhance the taste.
Bon appetit!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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