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Visited "Hogwarts" in Tokyo (English&Japanese)

Hello it's @nhhrm !

Thank you to everyone who read my last post about myself. It was great to receive so many comments.

I hope I can continue to enjoy continuing my blog at my own pace.

Now, I'd like to write about my visit to the new "Warner Bros Studio Tour Tokyo Making of Harry Potter" in Tokyo.

Warner Bros Studio Tour Tokyo

This is an entertainment facility filled with the world of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. It is the second studio tour after London and the first in Asia.

It is quite large at around 9,600 ft² and is packed with film sets, including the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley and the 9 and 3/4 line. Furthermore, you can see how props are made, sound effects, costumes, the making of character design... and much more... a behind-the-scenes look at the making of film productions!

I have memories of the Harry Potter craze as a child, and I was obsessed with this series. (My favourite is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The fight against the dragons and merpeople, the scene with the lamenting myrtle, the dance party... there are so many memorable scenes. I still reread it every now and then).

As an adult, I've lost touch with magic, but I heard that I could enjoy the world of Harry Potter anyway, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to get back to my childhood.

Beginning of the tour

First, we arrive at Toshimaen Station and enter the studio. (Buy tickets online in advance and present the QR code at the entrance)

We were immediately greeted by a dragon! This is Hungarian Horntail, the dangerous dragon from Goblet of Fire. The claws, feather texture and other details were very elaborate and overwhelming. It was absolutely cool!

At the entrance there is a cloakroom where visitors can leave their hand luggage. Many people visiting from overseas had large suitcases to check in. It is nice to be able to leave most of your luggage so you can enjoy the facilities in light clothing (we were told to take our coats and drinks with us as there are outdoor exhibits and food and drinks are not allowed to be checked in).

There was a fairly large souvenir shop just outside the entrance.
Dormitory dressing gowns, goods from each dormitory, Honeydukes sweets from the films, stuffed magical creatures, wands used by the characters, original novels, limited edition swords... there were so many fascinating things that I enjoyed myself for less than an hour here alone.

Wands are lined up in rows, just like the set of Ollivander's shop in the film.

Most of the guests visiting here have dressing gowns and wands and really look like Hogwarts students. I thought it was wonderful that the guests felt like they were creating an immersive experience with us, as if they were in the film.

After passing through the souvenir shop, the studio tour finally begins!

There was a huge panel on which film scenes were shot. There were two exhibition rooms where we all watched a video together before moving on. It was very crowded, so I thought we didn't need this time 😂.

From here, we were free to look around the exhibition. The impressive Great Hall where all the students have dinner, the Dumbledore's Headmaster's office, the Hogwarts Express, and Diagon Alley... there were many sets just as they were in the film, and I was very impressed!

There were also several interactive attractions, such as the 'Quidditch Supporter Experience', 'Broomstick Ride' and 'Defensive Magic Experience', which were all very exciting.

You can meet Buckbeak and Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. They use sensors to detect people and bow to them, so we could greet them with that tense feeling.

Also, even though the Forbidden Forest was indoors, it was covered with a set of trees and the floor was made of a soft material like soil, so it was like being in a really spooky forest.

Visitors can also go to the Dudley House. I didn't take any photos of the exterior, but the window sashes and the tiled roofs made it look like 'an ordinary house in a Japanese residential area', and I wondered, "Is this really a house in London?" 😂

I also liked that the inside of the house was full of life, with unwashed dishes and the week's menu in the kitchen.

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Picture of a proud uncle looking cute.

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There was also Harry's childhood room. This is too small!

In addition to the film sets, there was also an exhibition on how to make magical creature puppets.

Magical creatures appear in the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. It was interesting to learn how the creators went about creating the realistic movements of the animals through trial and error!

The tour finished with a look at the exterior set of Hogwarts.

The lights switch between day and night, and Hogwarts at night was very beautiful and impressive.

Impressions of having been there.

It was a very enjoyable tour, with fascinating sets and an insight into the trials and tribulations of countless creators! Harry Potter fans will have a blast, and even if you're not a fan, you'll be overwhelmed by the world and enjoy it.

However, I was really, really exhausted that day. The reason is that this facility is around 9,600 ft² and it took us about 6 hours to go around the whole place. The official website says that the basic tour takes about 4 hours, but I think it would have taken longer if we had tried to look at each of the exhibits carefully.

There are almost no rest areas in the facilities (there are only two cafés and restaurants in the middle of the park, and very few chairs and toilets where visitors can take a short break), and the route is difficult to follow, so you can get lost, which can be quite difficult if you don't have the stamina and time to spare.

However, if you want to spend the whole day enjoying the world of Harry Potter, it is definitely a fun place to visit. Don't forget to bring a drink, a little snack for a break and a stretch for your legs and feet!

If you get the chance, please visit - it's a great place to be!





さて、今回は東京に新しくできた「ワーナー ブラザース スタジオツアー東京 メイキング・オブ・ハリー・ポッター」に行ってきたので、その感想を書こうと思います。

ワーナー ブラザース スタジオツアー東京


















ダードリー家にも行けます。外観は写真を撮っていなかったのですが、窓のサッシや瓦屋根などが「日本の住宅街にある普通の家」という感じで、「本当にロンドンにある家?」と不思議に思いました 😂笑















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