Festive ease; Its beginning and its end...

Festive ease; Its beginning and its end.

Daily, humans go about their businesses to measure up to the standard of living, whether on an average level or higher as they are all graced to. In the midst of all the busy days we often find time to celebrate and jubilate even after uneasy days, grateful for whatever has been achieved and also gather up for ceremonies in honour of our families and our believes.

Reviewing all end of the year Happenings, the seasonal events and ceremonies, the undisputable fact is that they are all that keeps us bright and hopeful letting out our feelings and emotions about now, sad or happy, for a better tomorrow and when it tends to the aspects of faith and our spiritual standings, it's seen as a mode of worship of our Creator, everything done during that period in His honour.

Holidays are a break from the stress, hustle and tussles of life, always on unique days as a group of individuals or the general public has accepted it to be. Special those days are to mark beautiful occasions. It varies to every sphere of life, Schools have theirs after school terms, semesters or sections, workers in various fields most times take a leave off work, while on the religious aspect the Muslims have theirs (the Salah celebrations) after fasting periods and according to what is stipulated in the Quran, and the Christians strictly according to the periodic events marked in the Holy Bible, the Easter, the Christmas, e.t.c
Christmas a period that always gladdens my heart for the beautiful memories often created through the season.
The beauty of a period like Christmas is always not comparable with any other festive periods as everyone would be trying to beautify their houses with Christmas trees and lights that makes everywhere sparkles. Every street around the world is always with signs and symbols that represent Christmas season and so everyone looks forward to the deal day in hope and admiration, making the Christmas melodies and sounds to every ear.


My Christmas and new year experience was one of a kind, just trying to remember when I began the journey back to my village all the way from Abuja to Kange in kwara State, Nigeria and how I went round neighboring towns and villages in joy and gladness having a wonderful time with family and friends, makes me wish moments like that never ends. It was really a stressful and successful journey which lasted for twelve hours just within Niger State, because of how busy the road is most times and the new construction that is on going that I had to break the journey. I continued the journey the following day from Mokwa, Niger State and got home, Tsaragi, at about 10am that morning, just on time to attend my uncle's wedding ceremony.


As usual when it was a day to Christmas, some of us started preparing by iron our beautiful attires that we made for Christmas and slaughtering goats, turkeys and cow, making arrangements for whatever we were financially capable to afford for the celebration, all trying to make sure we all have a wonderful time together with friends and family. I carried out my own tasks and responsibilities in regards to the Christmas celebration joyfully and happily and we all gathered as family sharing our individual stories and experiences through the year and laying emphasis on the reason for Christmas and the joy and the hope that we have in Jesus.
Africans always gracing occasions and ceremonies with dresses that are almost uniform in even the styles they are made into, apart from the same colours and materials that they are making the whole atmosphere colorful. It was the morning of the Christmas day and everyone was getting ready for church for the normal routine of worship of that day, I, my sisters and brothers got inspired that same morning to compose a song for Christmas that we would present in Church during the Christmas Church service, so we all worked together with our different ideas and finally finished working on the new song we were going to sing. It was time and so we all dressed in uniformity, attires of the same colours and almost alike patterns but different styles for the men and women as a family. As planned we got to church and during the service we were given an opportunity to sing, which we did beautifully well, though we had sound system issues while making the special presentation but all still went well, all glory to God.
The church service ended and we all exchanged greetings and salutations, praying and wishing each other well as expected and so everyone went back to their various homes in the spirit of the Christmas celebration.
As a family we went from one place to another celebrating with friends and families, taking pictures and doing things that would make us have beautiful memories to hold on to. We went around taking pictures, eating and drinking in appreciation to God almighty for sending Jesus to save us all.



Awesome and wonderful, how the end of the year continued and ended with lots of ceremonies and celebrations. Had mini get together with friends and families to let out the happy feelings and enjoy the bliss of the season. I really had fun while it all lasted with a grateful heart to God Almighty.



In the midst of all this was the mixed whether condition, cold sometimes and hot sometimes and the network was bad when trying to go online or stay online on social media platforms, but I wasn't really bothered because of the end of the year parties that went on and on.
The count down began as it was the last day of the year, every family prepared for the evening worship, and as a family we went to church for a vigil, crossing over to the new year, which was really a great time in the presence of God.
Hurray! it was 12:00 midnight, everyone jubilating, throwing knockouts and fireworks into the air and raising sounds of Joy to the most High, Testifying to the goodness of God, making prayers and good wishes for the new year. We all congratulated each other and left to our various houses to have a little rest and sleep to prepare for the celebration during the day break.

After morning prayers around 7am in the morning we made different dishes and snacks to grace the new occasion. And by 10am we all visited grandma at the village from the main town. She was very happy and glad to see all her grandchildren around to celebrate the new year with her as it's been a while she saw some of us. We danced and rejoiced as one big family, after which we took pictures and went from one relative's house to another to exchange season greetings. Another year well started as the other year also ended well to the glory of God.



In all, the peaceful feeling, the joyful expressions and the love shared would last the test of time, as bonds became strengthened and friendships were renewed for the brighter and greater future.
Again we begin with hopes, dreams and aspirations as we are willing to give the Best to get the best

Humans back on duty, making deals and settling deals as usual and as January ends, the rest of the year counts down till the last days filled again with the holiday spirit..!

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