And my AXE!

Heya Hivers of all Realms!

Today I want to share with you a project I finished 2 days ago!
It will be part of my Medieval Resource Pack containing various .obj, .fbx, or even .blend files in a medieval theme! You migh have seen the long sword I made here a couple days ago.

An Axe!

Axe Compo.png
Everything was made in Blender 2.83, and this time I only used the Blender compositor for the final composition, as I wanted to experiment more with Mist Pass, AO pass and Shadow Pass.

Everything else than the axe in the scene is a filler and will not be part of the final Resource Pack, I just thought that an axe by itself wouldn't look as good as an axe stuck in a log.

The textures for the wood and the metal part are both fully procedural -and trust me, integrating the white bit into a procedural texture was a pain in the ass, but worth sweating for it!

Here is a Wireframe picture of the scene, to give you an idea of the topology
Axe Wireframe.PNG

And a Matcap picture of the scene to have an idea of the geometry/bumps/displacement of the different models!
Axe matcap.PNG

I hope you like it, thanks for sharing your feedback with me!
See you tomorrow for more!

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