I honestly thought I forgot how to draw.

It almost always happens.

That feeling when I would think I forgot how to draw. Every time I get so occupied in the real world, I get occupied so excessively that I often think about how I find it hard to do stuff I normally could do easily. For instance, I love to cook even when I am hardly a good one, but gosh, while I take pride being able to fry a sunny side up egg without breaking the yolk, I keep accidentally breaking them a lot lately. And when I break yolks early in the morning, the whole day after is decidedly ruined.

I have also always considered the arts as some form of stress reliever. It's just therapeutic to me. But lately, even this gets hard. This isn't even the first time this has happened. I realize that every time I take breaks and get back to drawing, it just becomes increasingly difficult. If I were to plot the difficulty level with respect to the amount of time I spend busy and amount of time I spend resting, both results to increasing difficulty, too. 😆

In my last post, I honestly was under the impression that I would be able to draw another one almost immediately. At the back of my mind, however, I knew that the month of May was going to be so extra I would probably revert back to draw-again-difficulty level of... I dunno, 10 out of 10?

So glad May is ending, but my calendar for June is just...

I can't even promise myself that I'll be able to draw again ASAP, but hey, every time I stop thinking about it, I am suprisingly able to finish a drawing. So there's still hope for me!

I drew this one yesterday, and then did some finishing touches today. I'm not exactly very happy about how this turned out, but there are times when I'd randomly look at it and think that it's looking pretty OK, anyway.

This drawing is a mix of many things. I based the girl off this one and recycled something out of my drawing from At the Diner. I had so many plans about this, but I got tired and impatient about finishing something. This was drawn so quickly, I surprised even myself.

I was attempting to just not care about "cleanly" painting over the drawing. It was a relief just laying down the colors without really thinking about the tiny details. Once I woke up this morning, though, I couldn't help it. I decided to "clean" it. Or something.

I had different plans for this and it didn't work out, but I'm satisfied. You can get an idea of my so-called drawing struggle in the GIF below~


I received sooo many kind comments in my last post, and I was too busy to even check them out. T_T I'll try to respond even weeks after posting, because my heart is full from all the kind responses. ❤️

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