At the Diner | Drawing with the Note 10+

I'm back again, with this being my third digital drawing in three consecutive days. I might not be able to post anything tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so I chose to draw something with more elements than I usually do in portrait drawings.

The reference for this drawing is a portrait photograph by Noah Buscher on Unsplash. The photo was rather aptly entitled "topless woman leaning on chair photo." LMAO.

At the Diner

I am starting to make time exploring digitally drawing objects now, aside from people. I actually tried this in my last post, and suffice to say, I enjoyed doing this kind of stuff. I initially have reservations painting objects, because when I do them, they always look unnatural. Lately, though, it feels like I am getting the hang of it and I would like to explore it more.

I chose the reference portrait exactly for this purpose. It offers items in the picture that are more than I am comfortable drawing. There were the neon lights signage, the red couch, the eyeglasses, and the diamond earrings. There was also simple background, which I am more than happy to undertake because they're blurred anyway. Hahaha.

For someone who is uncomfortable painting objects, I think I did better than I expected doing this. It excites me to see how the eyeglasses went, or the little details I put into the earrings, the lighting of the neon lights, and the dimension in the couch.

Those elements in the drawing became my favorites! Who would have known. I find that the way I draw humans also works on how I draw objects; I just really need to be more careful and meticulous.

Of course, I am still really bad at hands. I really need to up my game at this regard. Maybe I can put my old and empty sketchbooks to use and do studies of hands.

Drawing At the Diner

I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I do at least two sketches of the reference before I really start. One was a messy sketch. The second was the more detailed sketch. Sometimes there's a third, a cleaner one that I normally would use as guidelines when I color. This one took three.

I played around with the Gaussian blur to create a glowing effect to the neon lighting. I would duplicate the layers and enable Gaussian blurring on one of the duplicates. As MediBang has no outer glow capabilities, I find that the Gaussian blur works just as well. :)

The Gaussian blur was used extensively in this drawing, especially at the background.

Finally, there was supposed to be a "behind the glass wall" effect to this, but I couldn't do it. HAHAHA. I tried, though, but it ended up dirtying the whole picture, so I scrapped it.


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity); blur


I feel like the day passed by in such a blur that I can't even remember what I had been doing earlier except that I drew. The rainy and cold weather makes me sleepy all the time, and that seriously agitates me more.

Drawing really is such a comfort. :) And luxury, too.

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