Red Crayola | Drawing with the Note 10+

I was meaning to finally go through some of my WIPs, but I chose to start another work in the end. It's another portrait, although this time, instead of Pinterest, I chose a reference from Unsplash, a platform that offers free stock photos.

This digital painting is based off a portrait photograph by Sam Burriss. In the description Burriss made, he mentioned not finding paint anywhere, and hence used Crayola washable kids' paint. (For a second, I thought he literally melted crayons LMAO.)

Red Crayola

There are a couple of reasons I chose the portrait photo by Burriss. First, it looked simple. It was a man with no clothes on and, most importantly, with short, crew cut-ish hair. Second, there is good balance to the shadows and lighting, and it'll make coloring a little more enjoyable. Finally, I like it because it's interesting.

I used to always have trouble painting liquid stuff. Water and any other colored liquids. The reference photo will give me good opportunity to practice, what with it having a paint element in it.

I used less layers than usual; the canvas size was 4000 by 5300 pixels. I felt like either MediBang or my phone would crash should I do the usual and create as many layers for each shade I make.

The sketches were once again drawn with the pencil tool, but for the first time in a while, I didn't use any other tools aside from it and the watercolor brush. I normally would use airbrush and blur somewhere.

Here's a GIF showing how the drawing progress went.

Slowly, I'm trying to face my limitations. And it pays (I think). I like how the paint ended up, and I can't help but be a little proud of myself.

In fact, the larger canvas made it easier for me to add the minuscule details in the red paint. Here's my favorite part of the drawing.

I mean, I think I could have done better, but I really like it! It was more than I expected it to look like.


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity)


That was fun! It took me a lot of time and headaches, but I really enjoyed working on it. :) I like the end result more than I care to admit, haha.

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