/M E E T/ T H E /A R T I S T/

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> “I must see new things and investigate them. I want to taste dark water and see crackling trees and wild winds.”

― Egon Schiele

🌫Dakota Lambert🌫

Hello PeakD! I am new here so please allow me to introduce myself.

Hailing from The Great White North🍁, I have been sent forth to collect information on this strange species known as the human race. Tasked with the preservation of this burdensome human body.

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Forced to traverse the terrestrial plane, I have found myself wandering far from home. Through fields and valleys, woods, mountain, and road. The places that these creatures find hospitable.. I tell ya.

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    The big wet is much too wet, the big dry is far too dry. And they never can make up their mind whether to let the forest grow or tear it all down.

Humans are a rather queer species indeed. However, It seems to me that for all of their obvious flaws, there are a few traits that may well redeem them for their follies.

  • The invention of the motorcycle
  • Their companionship with the vastly more civilized species known as "dog"
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  • Fire. Not the kind in the flue; the one in their hearts and bellies and songs and stories.
  • Their ability to transform at will mere ink and paper into fathomless depths of unexplored ocean, the landscape of unkown worlds, the face of their enemy or their greatest love.

As I wait patiently for the return of the Mother Ship I find myself inexplicably drawn to this primitive species; becoming more like one of them:
🕯 a burner of the midnight oil
🖌 scribbler of imaginary lines
🖋 writer of intricate nothings

🇻🇳 🌎 🌌

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