Celebration Onboard

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Seafaring requires one to stay many months onboardship. Oftentimes you get to celebrate special occasions and holidays with your crewmates instead of your loved ones… that includes birthdays, Christmas and new year.

It would be very saddening to let the occasion gone by without celebrating them… so the crew, despite the busy schedule tries to prepare food suitable for celebrating the event. The Chief Cook and any other crew that knew how to cook helped.

Celebrating special occasions onboard eases the loneliness and homesickness one might feel from serving many months of contract onboard.

Last year and the years prior, I spent Christmas and New Year onboard. Below you can see some foods that were thoroughly prepared by the crew.

2022 Celebration




2023 Celebration






It so happened that we are in port which made the crew very busy due to cargo discharging operation. There is also bunkering or refueling happening at the same time. So there were very limited time for the crew to prepare for the feast. Despite the hectic schedule we were able to actually celebrate the new year. Also watched some fireworks display in the distant horizon.

After the feast, the crew on-duty returned to their post, the crew that were not on-duty stayed for a bit, sing some songs, had some laugh with other crew who were still present in the mess hall while the others went there way and took some rest in preparation for their duty in the few hours.

I can still recall it vividly. It seems it just happened not too long ago and here I am again, going to celebrate Christmas which is fast-approaching. In a week’s time, the new year will be celebrated which will mark the beginning of another year. Another year to look forward to. Another year which will be surely filled with struggles and hopes…hopes for a brighter future with the loved ones.

Christmas and New Year is just around the corner... May we all have a lot of fun this Yuletide Season...

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