Wednesday walk around Promet Dam

For several weeks now, a girlfriend and I have been planning to take a walk in the forest to find Samardala. We don't know exactly where we can find and we were just guessing and planning. But this weekend with @outlinez we had guests and one of our guests turned out to know the exact place where we can find Samardala. He readily agreed to show us the place, and our friends @deska89, @nanast and @fog043 gladly accompanied us.

We traveled by car to the village Debelt. We turned to the left of the main road and crossed the Sredetska river on a bridge.

Passing through various industrial buildings, we continued south on a rather broken road to reach the Promet Dam.

The dam is privately owned and had a barrier and large guard dogs. Getting out of the cars, we wondered how we would continue because one of the dogs was behaving hostile. Fortunately, I had food in my backpack, which I fed him and we quickly became friends.

Horse carts pass around:

We had to cross the Dam to reach the forest.

We walked over the wall and on one side was the dam and on the other a beautiful pasture where cows grazed.

Around the stones there were wild flowers and bushes:

We saw an observation deck:

So we reached the forest. We went inside and started looking for Samardala.

We found crocuses, peony leaves and wild strawberry leaves but very rarely Samardala. I guess we were too early with the picking.

However, we found a small quantity of the Samardalata and I learned to recognize it because I had not known it before. Its stem is very similar to some grasses, but has three edges and resembles a tent peg.

Samardala is also known as wild onion or wild garlic. It is used for seasoning after it is dried and ground.

"It has a proven health effect on reducing harmful cholesterol. The consumption of samardala helps to prevent a number of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, even cancer."

Sourse and more info:

I collected some samardala and for a while I lost my friends. During this time I decided to walked around the dam.

I came to an abandoned gazebo.

The banks of the dam were littered with clams and dried trees in different shapes.

Ladybug on the tree piece.

I found a hearth of stumps.

Soon my friends came and we went back to the cars.

Our walk was very pleasant, beautiful and fruitful.

Here is the samardala we collected.

This post is my entry for #wednesdaywalk - an initiative of @tattoodjay collaborating with #MakeMeSmile challenge hosted by @elizacheng.

Thank you for stopping by!

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