Wednesday Walk the Longest Day



Hi there!

It was a crazy day in every way. From the weather to my daily routine. But in a good way! I got everything done that I had planned, and I spent the rest of the day walking around.


It all started with going on an errand on a cloudy morning. I don't like to just walk around, even on my own errands. I change routes, go the long way around, go into unfamiliar places. Time always allows me because I always get out an hour or more early. That way I feel comfortable. This time was no exception. I saw a narrow path into the forest, where I headed. And in the middle of the forest was a railroad. It haunts me, I think). I had never seen such a flat railroad that goes over the horizon. The morning began magically, despite the lack of sunshine.

I quickly closed my task in an hour. In that time, the sky showed its face, but immediately a huge cloud moved in my direction. I was in danger of getting soaked to the skin if I didn't hide under a canopy. I took a few pictures and started looking with my eyes where I could take shelter if it rained hard or long.




The rain ended up dropping thousands of drops and was over in five minutes. I didn't even have to hide. I just threw on my hood and moved on. A minute ago it had been so cold that I had buttoned all the buttons on my windbreaker, but now it was hot and I had to take off my windbreaker and unbutton everything I could. Even then I realized that apparently this was not the end of my walk and I would want to make the most of the day!

When the frowning clouds disappeared from the sky, clouds I hadn't seen in a long time took their place. Low fluffy clouds are not often in the sky, but today was that day). Along the way, I came across a "hut" under the clouds. That's what I called this building. Buildings like this one always remind me of people's faces. It seemed to me that this hut was looking at me with all four eyes-windows flared in both nostrils. It was as if it too didn't understand what was happening to the sky and the clouds today...


Further on, I came out to the sleeping area. This is the usual bedroom community of Gomel. New high-rises are next to old houses. An ordinary picture, for my hometown. But the clouds were drawing their patterns in the sky continuously. And I walked like an enchanted man with my mouth open and constantly stopping to take pictures.




The sun was still burning so hard, so I slowed down my walking speed. I walk very fast usually. My acquaintances often ask me not to run when we walk together. I don't do it on purpose, it's just a habit. This time I remembered it myself and saw a strange weed in the path. When I got closer, it turned out to be spikelets of young rye. It was the first time I had ever seen them growing in the city right in the grass. I took a couple of pictures and moved on.


It started to get cold again. A piercing wind was blowing. I looked up at the sky, and another cloud was approaching. Half of the sky was still relatively clear, but the other half was already predicting rain. I knew from experience that it was going to rain this time. That's 100%. But since I was a mile from home, I allowed myself to linger. I couldn't miss such atmospheric shots. You could even see the rain moving in my direction in the distance. But the sun was still shining above me. Below are a few photos from different angles, taken about 5 minutes apart. This makes it clear why I was in no hurry to get home.









As I expected, a downpour caught me near my doorway. I ran very fast, so I almost didn't get wet.) It stopped raining within an hour. A couple of hours later, in the evening it was warm again. I decided to finish my day the way I started - with a walk! Below is the last photo of this mysterious day, which I took on a small hill in the middle of a fenced-in area. There was an aisle in the fence, so I decided to see how beautiful this hill was. The hill, by the way, turned out to be some kind of bunker. I suspect from the Second World War. Naturally, it was closed.


That's it! Thank you so much if you've read this far! So I was able to show you some interesting places in my hometown.


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