Walk to the Airport?! .:. BuzzParty Hamburg 2024 Wednesday Walk

Do you remember that I said that I didn't take too many photos during my visit to Hamburg this year? Well, it looks like I did, but most of them when I was strolling around the city alone... Whenever we would go somewhere in the group, I would forget to take photos as I would be busy talking with Hivians... :)


As almost everyone left on the last day of the #BuzzParty2024 event, I had another day to explore the city as my flight was the next day! The part of this walk I took with @edje, as he had his train on the same day, but a few hours before my flight...


So, we went from a hotel to the penultimate metro station to the main train station, to stretch our legs and to check out the city together... He had half an hour free, so we went to have a coffee... On the way there we saw some important buildings, which I had no idea which is which, so I had to open Google Maps, find the place where I was, to "re-create" this walk... 😃


What you can see in the photo above is Rathausmarkt (Town Hall Market), which, according to Google reviews, looks awesome around Christmas with all the Christmas lights and decorations!


For example, I had no idea that this building was a Stock Exchange building!



Huh... It is extremely hard to "re-create" the route where we went to the main train station as we were pretty lost and probably walking in zig-zag... lol... I just remembered that I had to take a photo of this cute building, but when I search OMEN, it shows a place on the street view that was renovated at the moment when a Google car (or person) passed by... Anyway, it is probably that one... :)


When I said farewell to @edje, I took a last photo of the train station, and headed toward the airport! I'm not sure that anyone had the brilliant idea (like I had that day) to go to the airport on foot!!! Usually, airports are outside the city, but when I checked the map, it said that it is reachable by walking! It wasn't a small distance, but I gave it a go!




The motivation to give it a go for this walk was words from @tibfox, where he said that the lake is worth visiting, but I suppose he didn't expect that I would go around the lake... lol... Anyway, the route from the main train station to the airport was around 10km or around 2.5 hours of walking! I had another headache, so walking in the fresh air was very pleasant and something that I needed!




I was lucky as a nice chunk of the route went on the banks of the lake, so I have even had a chance to see some "wildlife", like this duck with small ducklings!!!




The weather was perfect, not too cold, not too hot... There were many bridges like this one, where water from the lake would penetrate the city... It reminded me of Amsterdam and #HiveFest in 2022!




Another interesting view was these buildings that were surrounded by water from 3 sides, "acting" as small peninsulas! Living in the part of Spain where we almost have no rain, seeing this much greenery was a delightful view!



After taking a short break to have breakfast/lunch, I continued my walk toward the airport... Another great surprise was to see an amazing huge park, and my route was crossing through it!! I didn't expect that I would have this kind of trail on my way to the airport! It looks like a proper forest!



Someone in the middle of the park, there was a Planetarium! On the other side, a huge open space with a small swimming lake in the distance!





Check out the map to see how many interesting places are inside this park!





When I left the park, I found myself on the Hamburg streets, which again, didn't look like big city streets! It was a peaceful residential area, and on the right side (photo under), hidden from the green trees and bush, was the main road to the airport!




This photo is one of the rare photos that I took where you can see something that you can expect from the road toward the airport... Car dealers, offices, airport hotels, etc.




And after a few steps, I was again inside the residential area and a park at the end of it... Believe it or not, this part was a 5 to 10-minute walk from my goal! Where are those planes? 😃




Okay, the radar is there, so the airport should be close...

Hamburg airport.jpg
Screenshot from GoogleMaps phone app

There is my proof that I did the route and that I didn't cheat... 😂



A few steps from an overpass, and Terminal 2, of Hamburg airport was there!!



Found my gate, went through the airport control, "smuggling" rock candies, and I was ready to board my plane!!!


Did you ever take a walk to the airport? I would like to hear that someone else did it just to rectify my crazy idea... 😃 I hope you liked this long walk... I had over 100 photos from it, but I had to shrink it to under 50... 😃

Thank you for your time.


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