Flying or Walking?


I promised last week I would make a #WednesdayFlight post instead of #WednesdayWalk one!

It came as a consequence of mentioning the super cool van "space shuttle" from this post. I had one week to think about how could I grow some wings (not counting my angel wings) and fly freely and bring that experience here. Well, you see from the cover photo. It would be a perfect view from a flight.
However, as no wings have grown on my back to do an autonomous flight, maybe I took the photo from a helicopter?

Well, this helicopter had to rescue one of my students. Their house got isolated from the main road as the river overflowed. The road could not be used, so they used this cool yellow aircraft to go to get the necessary things and food supply.

This is not a joke, however, the beginning of my post is.
I took the cover photo from this place:


It is a place in Altea (Spain), in the centre of the old part of the town. It is close to the church where I went on Sunday afternoon to listen to a concert. When I was there, I also made a short walk enjoying that sunny late afternoon. The streets of Altea are narrow, with many small shops. Mainly they are selling nice dresses and accessories, but there are some restaurants and coffee shops too. During the summer it is very busy, full of tourists, though local people also like to walk there. I like it too.


All the houses are white in the city centre, that is one of teh characteristics of Altea. We also call it the village of white houses. Although it is not just a village. It had a big concert hall, theatre, one university, sports centres, so basically, all social and cultural facilities are covered. A variety of shops, hotels, and restaurants are not missing either.


Although the facades of the houses are white, they are nicely decorated (at least in the centre) as many of them give place to those small boutiques I mentioned earlier. I like to take a look at those dresses, but the prices are not so nice. The main target is the wallet of the tourists... Ok, I can pretend I am a tourist sometimes, and maybe spend some money there? This time I didn't spend a cent, as I was there just because of that aforementioned concert.


After the musical experience I have got {but will not tell more about it right now}, I headed back to the car. I parked close to the concert hall and I was surprised I saw these artworks there. Some of them used to be at the seashore (three years ago) but later they were removed from that spot.


The open-air exhibition of these artworks on the seashore didnt finish very well. There was a debate should they be there in front of the eyes of everyone, as they represented some erotic scenes, featured in the old Greek style figures. Some of them were damaged by the people who didn't agree to see them there. The author of them is Antoni Miró and the exhibition contained a total of 26 of these large-scale sculptures. A few weeks ago I walked there and saw that the sculptures are removed.


However, in the garden of Palau (the concert hall) we can still see some of the sculptures. The chair of Van Gogh, a pipe, bicycles, one of those Greece sculptures from the shore, are all made of steel. These are nice too, but I liked those on the seashore more.








A lot of steel we have seen here...or was it art? In any case, I am not sure anymore was it a flight or a walk, but these heavy steel sculptures somehow made it into this post :)


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