Cold Morning in Madrid


It was really cold! We happened to visit Madrid during the coldest two days from the beginning of this 2022 year. Maybe we could say that it is because days in this new year just started to be counted, and there will be colder ones. There will be, that is true! However, coming from the sunny coast, with mild winter temperatures it was a surprise for us. And our car. The second morning of our staying, our car was not of the same color - it became white as it was frozen. I was happy, that much that... wait, you will see that part at the end of this post. First - our #WednesdayWalk, which happened last week :)


It was Wednesday afternoon when we finally decided we are going to the capital the next day. My son was asking for this for several days, but I was not in the best shape. In any decent shape, if I could say. We booked a part of a house for the next day, in a calm suburban area of Madrid, however, just some 10 minutes later we got a message from Booking that the accommodation we reserved and paid in advance was not available. That was weird, a bit more than a hundred of the European monetary units went away, for no available accommodation. They immediately called and asked for understanding, and offered another available accommodation. Well, the hotel that we choose ( not that we had many choices) as the replacement was more than superb and comfortable. I loved it!




I loved it so much that I would stay there...forever? Ok, maybe not that long, but definitely more days if it is for leisure. Living in Madrid and working? In that case, maybe I would not like it that much. I would just go around and explore and visit shops and museums and theatre and concerts and cinema and all that is maybe not available right now in that level as usually is. But I will not be any sad about this short visit, just the opposite! Hopefully, we will go again, I dont know if soon or soonish, {or later}, as there are also some acquaintances whom we spent half of the first day with. We had a great time, joy and fun.





My steps had to be marked in allegro tempi during our walk, but also we had to "take care" of two teenagers - one of them our son, that would probably like to escape from our sight. All went good, and more than good. They behaved better than the older generation. Imagine someone excited to see every little corner and shop window in the center. Taking even some photos of the interesting ones. Here we go, that's me! Not that lady from the advertisement book, neither the IBM typewriter but the silhouette in the window.



It was a window of a hostel, that apart from this cool decoration in the reception had written greetings in different languages on the facade. A kissing couple... a man enjoying the views of the street. Do you see them?


Other interesting shops we saw were those that were selling some handmade shoes, knitted summer shoes, embroidered slippers, everything was so sweet. Candy and cookie shops. Also, many shops with a large selection of fabrics, carpets, curtains. I spotted all those shops in the street that connects the Plaza Mayor and Plaza Santa Ana (first photo).




As I said in the beginning, it was a bit cold in the morning, but how the day was passing it became a bit warmer. Still, for taking some food we started to search for a place where could we have lunch. This one was calling us :) It's warm inside!! Lunch finished. Warmed up. The walk can continue.


This bar was also interesting because of the pirate greeting the people on the street, but we dont drink beer. Anyway, I can not imagine taking a refreshing cold drink while you want to warm up. We skipped it.



The walk indeed continued. Our feet were stepping many streets and squares as the rest of the people walking there around. No cars are allowed in the center, at least, if you dont pass some requirements. The city of Madrid has enacted stricter laws o what types of cars can enter certain areas of the city, to reduce contamination. Basically, electric and hybrid cars are allowed, and the other cars have to pass some classification and put the sticker as proof of it.


Churches, basilicas, gates, squares... you know how it goes in some old parts of the cities. Some of them that are captured are: La Iglesia Catedral de las Fuerzas Armadas - Catedral Castrense (on the left) , Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel (on the right). Couldn't figure out the name of the church with two towers but the gate (on the right, down) is the entrance to the Plaza Mayor.

We also passed by Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande (photo below) and Palacio Real, Catedral de Santa Maria, Plaza de España, Puerta de Toledo, Puerta de San Vicente...but all those will come in another chapter!


So, finally, I am coming to the story from the beginning, why I was so happy about the frozen vehicle. One should get the best out of every situation! If the windows can be used as a frozen canvas, you can draw or simply just write your name there (that reminds me of the saying from one teacher when I was a child. He said: crazy names are everywhere... well, it didn't come out as the best translation, but it was supposed to prevent us from writing our names everywhere). Or you can collect the frost from a window (this is just from that side window) and pretend that it is snow!! What the lack of that white beauty can make of us? Children - of course :)




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