A walk for healing?

Nature is a natural medicine for human being. God made it for our own good but sometimes we didn't know about it or we don't just understand it.

In the second trimester of my pregnancy, I noticed that my feet are swelling. I never experienced this at this early in my first pregnancy. I felt worried about it and open it up to my sister in law and even to my god mother.

My god mother and my sister in law said that it is normal for pregnant women to experience it. My sister in law told me to hang my feet at night and I did it too. My god mother also suggest that I will walk early in the morning to have some exercise and if possible, I will walk barefooted. She said that the soil, the nature is a natural medicine.


Early morning around 5:40, the sun already rises and I wanted to walk that time but my son is still asleep. I wait for him to wake up and then we went to pineapple field to have some walk, some exercise and hoping for healing.


This is my feet, it is swelling a lit bit (never mind one of my toe nails, it became darker because some thing fall into it, lol but it's hurt so much that time).


I and my son went to the pineapple field. It is the place where we usually had our walking as morning exercise because the field is wide, we can feel the fresh air and the sun can directly shines to us.


The sun is up but it is still enough that we can feel the heat on our skin. It is a sunny and beautiful morning, perfect for a morning walking and morning exercise.


My son accompany me and just followed behind me. That dog, I don't know that dog but it follows us where we walked. He walks with us too, lol.


I left my slipper and my son carry it. Yes, I leave my slipper and just walk barefooted and let my feet touch the grasses, the soil, the land, the earth and yes touches the nature.


I walk along the grasses in the pineapple block roads and my feet became wet with the morning dew in the grasses and I felt good with it. It is relaxing.


It is really good to have some time with nature, feeling the cold breeze of the air, the healing sunshine, the green surroundings, the relaxing moment, and many benefits that nature's bring.


While walking we also enjoy the simple thing like grass but it brings happiness to us as we see their beauty along with other simple yet beautiful creation of God.


I, my son and the dog walk to and fro in the pineapple field. We just walk in one block road as it is the nearest to our home.


While walking we also noticed that some of the pineapple fruits are already ripe and ready for harvest.


In Dole Philippines Inc., they call it NDF or Naturally Develop Fruits. They become matured first and become ripe first compared to others.


Most pineapple fruits are still unripe and not yet ready for harvest. They looks so beautiful too with their crowns.


We also noticed some pineapple are still so cute, so young and it is like a microphone, lol.


We enjoyed our walk along the pineapple field and I even walk on the soil or sand but off course I just walked slowly because the small rocks is a little painful on my feet.


I then asked my slippers from my son and wear it again before we went home.

It was our short walk, short morning exercise at the pineapple field.

In the following days, my feet backs to normal again and the swelling was gone. I don't know if walking barefooted in the sand and in the grass with the morning dew helped it be normal again or just it is a coincidence? But I believe that it really helps my feet to be normal again as nature is our natural medicine. Do you believe it too? Please share your thoughts about it.

Are you a woman who became pregnant before? What can you advise to me just in case my feet will swell again. Thank you in advance.

This is my participation for the #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay.

Thank you so much for reading.

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