My first Wednesday walk in Heidelberg, West Germany



I hope you all are doing well. I'm fine too. This is my first writing in #wednesdaywalk and I'm truly excited as I've read many exciting posts here. So today is Friday and I got sometime for myself. Every Friday I decided to spend sometime in the company of nature because we are too busy in our daily affair's that we have no time for nature. I'm addicted to Flowers and that's why I went to nearest places where flowers bloom in it's full swing. Spring is everyone's favorite season because of happiness is seeing all around. So I took my kid with myself and went to the nearest jogging park. Usually in the morning there were seen a lot of people because people come here for jogging. I went there around 5p.m and there were no crowd at all.


I hardly seen people here at this time and this is all I want because I need to relax my mind and this was only possible in peaceful and quite environment. Whenever I saw some flowers I feel refreshed. I found new energy and strength after seeing these refreshing flowers.


I had my hands free in my ears and someone is calling me behind. I had not heard because the volume was high. My neighbor touched me and I was scared:p
Luckily she came at the same time and I enjoyed her company. We talked about some basic things like inflation and the bad situation of our own country Pakistan. We both belongs from Pakistan.



We both enjoyed the view. You can the beauty of Allah that how beautifully he created all the world for us. I was truly felt blessed that he provide me the opportunity to see these scenes of nature.


My neighbor is from sailkot and she's telling me the specialities of that place. Basically my mother is also belongs from sailkot. She is telling me the stories of her childhood and how she moved to Heidelberg after marriage. Everyone's looking happy but inside struggling for something. She was married almost 9 years ago and she had not a baby yet that's why she's worried. Babies are truly blessing. I prayed for that God blessed everyone with beautiful babies.


There is a small pond inside the park which increases it's beauty. Here ducks are seen mostly which Inspired me the most.


I loved all the sceneries but these yellow flowers took me to another world. These flowers are looking so freaking pretty that I don't want to leave this place. Well, I really enjoyed my walk and I'm waiting for next Wednesday so that I can share another journey with you. See you goodbye.

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