Wednesday Walk - REAL BODIES

REAL BODIES @EverNoticeThat

I have always wanted to see the REAL BODIES exhibition, and finally got my chance to go. This visual study of the human body fascinated me, and was the closest I've gotten to a departed human body since my sisters grandmother passed when I was a kid.

This exhibit consists of the real preserved human form shown in poses where they almost seem to come to life again. With expressive eyes and muscles caught in seemingly mid-motion for everyone to see.

The bodies themselves were donated by the Chinese Government from decadents who were left unclaimed and had no next of kin when they passed.

I was taken with how respectful the visitors were, even children kept their hands at their sides and appreciated the dignity of the moment.

There was a note of wonder at seeing a part of ourselves usually lain hidden from view, and now exposed. I took many more photos than are shown, but wanted to share a selection of them while leaving the rest for you to explore when REAL BODIES comes to your town.

I initially wondered if I should have made this nsfw, but carefully cropped any "naughty bits" out of the pictures, realizing that that didn't apply as this exhibit was not only educational, but also a work of art and a statement of life.

There were real people who lived active lives, and this exhibit reminds us of the temporary nature of our existence. As I walked along, I wondered about the hopes and dreams that these people had, and thanked them for reminding me to enjoy my time on this amazing planet.

Life truly is precious, and I hope you savor every vital moment as these individuals did in their Real Bodies.

Real Bodies 6 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 1.jpg

Real Bodies 2.jpg

Real Bodies 3 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 4 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 5 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 7 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 8 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 9 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 10 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 11 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 12 @EverNoticeThat

Real Bodies 14 @EverNoticeThat

As I've said, this is just a little peek at this inspiring and educational work. There's even a controversial section that's walled off with a warning sign attached that you'll have to see for yourself. But this tastefully done exhibit is worth the trip to see the intersection of art and life at a moment in time.

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva. All other photos by @EverNoticeThat

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