Capturing shadows and faces.


I love to be surrounded by nature, even if it is in the middle of avenues, because among so much green and trees, the noises of the city are overshadowed.

The best and most relaxing walks take place in these places, it can be a park, a forest, the mountains, the beach, but being in contact with nature renews the energy.


This park is very special for me. It was the second one I came across when I arrived in this city. The first one was the city park which is exactly in the centre of the city.


I remember, looking at the map, I saw a garden in the shape of a flower with four petals and I said to myself what a beauty.

Each part is very big and each has its own style, or at least I think so.

This second petal (I gave it the second place) I think it is the one that represents an ideal place to have picnics, sit on the grass and enjoy something sweet to eat and in my case to drink some delicious Argentinean mates.


It is surrounded by trees, palm trees and beautiful views of the sun between the branches and leaves, which create beautiful shadows and reflections.


I walked along its paths several times on this walk, because in several areas you can see the sky and admire the blue of it.


There are low trees that provide cool shade, especially in summer.


There are also benches to rest, read a book or just breathe in the fresh air.


Its zigzagging paths are perfect for photographs, I love them. I always think that they are like the paths of life, they seem to go astray, but in the end if you keep going, you will reach the end.




On this walk, the sun was going down and I really enjoyed paying attention to the details and the shadows the sun was casting on the grass.



How the sun illuminated parts of certain trees and pines and others were hidden under the shadows, generating different shades of colour.


I love the stairs and this is the way up to the Bridge of the Americas. It crosses the great Avenida Andalucía and I wanted to mention it today as this is the day of Andalusia.


Walking along I found what, for me, stands out in this beautiful petal of the Picasso Gardens.


This group of rocks with beautiful plants and decorations. Take a good look at the rocks, but very good.





I tried to take pictures from different angles, as they caught my attention and now I will tell you why.

If you look closely, it looks like there are faces on the rocks, or maybe just profiles, but look closely.

Sometimes nature draws strange things and I often see these faces in different things, not only in the clouds, but most of the time in the rocks.

They are arranged seemingly carelessly, but at the same time harmoniously. I like to see the beautiful things that nature can present to us, maybe the landscaper who designed this garden didn't do it with that intention, but I see those things and you?


Amongst the greenery you always alert those who walk and bring their dogs to look after the area and take care of ... what is necessary.


In a corner of the garden I could see some birds. They are typical of this area and I crept closer to take a picture of them. They are called Blackbirds and they are beautiful, like small crows with orange beaks.

I wanted to get closer, but... they ran away. Maybe they were called by the rock faces.


I love to feel the crunching of the leaves under my feet as I walk, I really enjoy the sounds that these spaces give me.


Green, a colour that nature presents to us at every moment, but not only as hope. Green is health and there in the midst of nature is true health, both physical and mental.




It is still winter, but the flowers are coming out with the first warm days, I can never resist taking pictures of the flowers, they are so beautiful.


The sun was getting lower and lower and I decided to head back home, but this tree caught my attention. There are a lot of them around here and their shapes are whimsical and unruly. Maybe that's why I like them so much. They are a bit crazy.... Like me.


As soon as I left the park I found this graffiti, it doesn't belong to nature, but it gave me the farewell and it deserves to be here.

Thank you all very much for joining me on this beautiful Wednesday walk. Best regards and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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