I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! | #IAmAliveChallenge Hive Daily Journal Entry: Day #98 - A Sunny, Relaxed, and Productive Day at GaiaYoga - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Wednesday, November 2, 2022





The beginning of these posts was my My Life Just Hit a Brick Wall at High Velocity, on the Cusp of My 50th Birthday: Mid Life Crisis 101 post. I link that post because I want to give my readers some useful context for what I write in these posts.


Warm greetings all! 🙏 💚

It was gorgeous and sunny for my twenty-third day back at GaiaYoga Gardens. I can't believe that it's November 2nd already! Every day I feel better, more settled, more organized, and more in my natural flow here. Have I mentioned how hugely different I feel now than I did before I moved back here? Yeah, I mention it quite a bit now, but that's only because it still truly blows my mind. This radical internal shift is still going strong, with no sign of disappearing.




These posts started as a means for me to express what I was experiencing during and after my breakup with Kaï, and they've transformed, just like my perspective and life, into something very different since returning to my jungle community. I still really love doing these daily digital journal entries, though I'm wondering if it would be useful to shift my focus, since I seem to have come out the other side of the dark breakup tunnel. I'll allow it to percolate a bit more before making any decisions. All I know is is that I'm feeling the inner nudge and impetus to write about other things.




My morning thing up at the Flow House was lovely as always. I put it on pause to go to a reasonably short (and very small) morning community check-in and logistics meeting. Ano's check-in was the longest by far, as he is still processing the pain, confusion, and grief of the endings of his romantic relationships with Melekai and Omya. Given that Omya just returned to stay here for a short while, he's feeling more angst around it again. Brittany and I just listened to him. I have so much love, care, and compassion for Ano since my return.




I went back up to the Flow House around 10:30AM to finish and publish my Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: Service to Humanity is Our Greatest Success post. My gecko friends have been modeling in the last two photos for those posts, which I thought was pretty nifty. Once I got it posted, I stayed up at my lava perch until just after 12PM, enjoying the last of my superfood fire coffee and doing my various other Hive activities.




The first bit of work that I did when I came down from the Flow House was to heavily prune a christmasberry tree - Schinus terebinthifolia that was casting too much shade on one of the solar panels on the roof of the shower building. It took me close to an hour and a half to finish, but in the end the solar panel was clear.




These was a group work project scheduled for 2PM, though there was a question of who was even going to show up, as several people were unavailable. I took a shower to clean off after working, then went to the Flow House to rest and catch up on Hive. Because I knew that nobody was likely to show up for the group project (even Ano was busy), I stayed up at the Flow House for about an hour, as my body was telling me it needed more rest.




I finally went to go work on the decided-upon project of removing dead coconuts from the coconut sprouting bed for a while. Bryan saw me heading over to work, so he joined me and we worked for about an hour, removing four wheelbarrow's full of dead nuts.




When we both decided that we were done with that task for the day, I went back to the Landing to get some eggs and pepperjack cheese, and then headed to Tutu to make myself a good helping of eggs, ground beef, onions, tomato, longevity spinach, peeperjack and raw cheddar cheese, sea salt, and spices. It tasted great and satiated me for hours more.




The last bit of work that I did for the day was to bring another wheelbarrow full of plants down to my nursery, and up-pot a handful of other plants. I really want to keep the habit of working with my plant and nursery a bit every day. I feel like the nursery is progressing in a good direction when I am able to do that.




After playing with my plants for a while, I stopped by Tutu to collect supplies that Kana had picked up for me on the town run, took those and the wheelbarrow back to the Landing, and returned to the Flow House to catch up on Hive and write this post. I'm really happy that I feel satisfaction in my days regardless of what others are doing. I feel full and content within myself, and I'm no longer seeking others to fill me. That's a pretty wonderful thing.




The breakup with Kaï did break my heart, but it broke me open to passion, purpose, mission, and service. Those are my primary motivators now, in everything. I wasn't fully catalyzed until I returned to GaiaYoga, then BAM!, everything shifted dramatically - me most of all.




I began my journey on Hive here at GaiaYoga, and now I've returned to my starting point, just from a radically different perspective. Now I'm equally all in on Hive and at GaiaYoga!




OK my lovelies, the time has come for me to say G'Night to y'all and end this post. I wish you deep clarity in your passions, purposes, and missions! Until tomorrow! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱


All photos were taken with my Motorola G Power Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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