I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! | #IAmAliveChallenge Hive Daily Journal Entry: Day #100 - More Rain, No Sun, and I Still Got Work Done! - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Friday, November 4, 2022





The beginning of these posts was my My Life Just Hit a Brick Wall at High Velocity, on the Cusp of My 50th Birthday: Mid Life Crisis 101 post. I link that post because I want to give my readers some useful context for what I write in these posts.


Warm greetings all! 🙏 💚

This is my 100th day of these posts. It's pretty wild to consider that I've written some iteration of these posts every day for past 100 days in a row. Wow.


I haven't seen a lick of sun all day long. The morning was more torrential rain, then finally by the afternoon the rain finally stopped, and the whole rest of the day was completely dark and overcast, but no rain. I took the opportunity to get several tasks outside done today.




Since there was still heavy rain early on, my morning up at the Flow House was spent wrapped up in my nice warm blanket, while I wrote my Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: Value Yourself, Value Your Time! post, and of course enjoyed my hot and delicious superfood fire coffee. It was still a lovely morning, even with the ridiculous amount of rain.


Due to there being zero sun today at all, I think my shadow hunting for the Shadow Hunters Community Contest/Show Me a Shadow might have to wait until tomorrow. That also means I'll have four posts tomorrow. Tomorrow is the beginning of the next round of the Reflection Hunters Contest, so I'm really hoping there's sun tomorrow, as both good shadows and good reflections need sun, or at least good light. We'll see. I might have to get a bit creative for both if the sun does not make an appearance.


When I came down from the Flow House after my morning thing (and after it had finally stopped raining), I set myself to go get at least a few things outside done. Upon Ano's request, I cleaned the gutters over Stefano's lab, as they didn't seem to be feeding much water into the catchment tanks. It didn't take me long to clean both sides, so soon I was on to my next task of cleaning the upper Coco Bar, and emptying the wheelbarrow full of chopped coconuts around some bamboo. That was also done quite quickly (I'm a fast, efficient bugger!), so I returned to the Landing to collect a small jackfruit that had been sitting in the sink, to take it to Tutu.
When I arrived at Tutu, Melekai and Omya were there, so I spent a little while talking with them, while I enjoyed some toasted pumpkin seeds that Melekai had made. So tasty! I didn't stay in Tutu too long, as I wanted to get more stuff done outside while it wasn't raining.


I went to my nursery to do a little more up-potting. The nursery is looking better and better, and my plants are looking happier and happier, which gives me a huge feeling of satisfaction. I went back to the Landing to start going through the several sad odds-and-ends plants that were left over after I cleared out my old nursery. I repotted several and took two wheelbarrows full of them, and several others, down to my nursery. My nursery is going to be bloody amazing soon, and I can't wait! Soon I'll start to make a list of the plants that I have to sell and trade, which I'll promote in various Big Island and Lower Puna Telegram groups.




After working in my nursery for a satisfying while, I returned to the Landing to make myself some food and catch up on Hive again. I catch up on Hive throughout my day. Even in the jungle, Hive is fully integrated into the flow of my daily activities, which I absolutely love! Because I enjoy being up at the Flow House so much, I've gotten into the habit of going up there to eat after making food in the Landing.


Once my tummy was full and I'd caught up well on Hive, I decided that I wanted to go do some clearing work with my machete before it got dark. I worked for about an hour, and cleared a good chunk of cane grass around and between two of the tropical peaches (Prunus persica 'Tropic Prince') and a coconut palm, along the fence to the pasture. I stopped when it got too dark to see, at which point I went to take a shower to clean off, then I headed back to the Flow House to catch up on Hive again, and to begin this post.


Because there has been very little sun over the past two days, our solar system has not been filling the batteries sufficiently, and the system has been shutting down multiple times, which means that we have to run the gas-powered generator. I ran the generator in the morning when the power crashed, for about two hours. While I was up here at the Flow House writing this post, the power went out again, so I went down to start the generator yet again. Such is often life off-grid here in the jungle going into winter.


I love sharing about my life here at GaiaYoga, and in Lower Puna in general, as they are so different from what most people know, or with which they are familiar. I know at the moment I mostly just share photos of sun, clouds, sunrises, and sunsets in these posts, but I very much want to take and share photos of, well, everything! I'm thinking that might be done better in other types of posts, however. I try to sneak in a few photos of other things in these posts from time to time!




OK friends, I'm going to end this post now and go see about nibbling on a little more food, as I'm feeling the tinge of hunger once again. I wish you all pure heart-exploring joy! G'Night for now from GaiaYoga Gardens, in the jungles of Lower Puna, in far East Big Island, Hawai'i! Until tomorrow! 😁🙏💚⚡💥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱


All photos were taken with my Motorola G Power Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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