Monday change of plans turned into disaster

I've been contemplating replacing the two plain, ugly fence panels you see from the street with something better looking, and which would have a gate in it.
At present, I cut the very old wire just around the corner so I could get through to that side of my yard without walking THROUGH or AROUND the house.

When the First AC replacement was happening, I took one of those panels down so THEY wouldn't have to haul equipment and tools around

From that corner back, it was old rusty wire, this part near the front had been a dog yard, so some of the wire was attached to a piece of wood and buried, what a pain in the patootie
There were both wooden posts and metal stakes.
You cain't pull out those stakes, but my neighbor loaned me a "Farm Jack" which I had never heard of before

I already had some chain, so you wrap chain around the stake, and try to keep the lower jaw (in this pic it's near the top) from slipping, and slowly jack the stake outta the ground.
I did that one on Saturday, it was pure mortal hell in the heat and 'hoomidity' having to stop frequently to go inside and cool off.

Sunday I got one stake and one post out, rolled up the old wire (neighbor wanted it)
I started out fairly early Monday, but the last metal stake is very near a large pine, which I suspect was not large when the fence was put up.
That thang just ain't coming up. (BTW... Why am I doing all this? The fence company said they would charge me if they had to do it)
I was really mad, hot and stymied when my phone rang.
I was SUPPOSED to have played LAST Monday at Arbor Terrace/Decatur, but they'd had a covid outbreak and were on lockdown.
It was lifted THIS past Monday, and they wanted me to come play!!!!!!!!!!

I was so very happy to A. be outta the heat, B. be playing and traveling in air conditioning and C. getting paid for it.
Smallish audience, but enthusiastic, and all was good... until.
JUST as I was almost completed packing down, my phone rang: You guessed it, 4:30 PM on a Monday afternoon, and they CALL me to talk about some consults.
Now do you think it right for me to be standing in a nicely appointed livingroom sorta set up, surrounded by old folks and nursing staff, talking about MY PERSONAL MEDICAL BUSINESS?
I do not think it appropriate.
So I said a few short things, finished up loading and headed home.

Beyonce fly girls last Saturday
And not too far away, T-Rump was in the Fulton County Courthouse.

Being Arraigned
I'd forgotten about these events, but the traffic was surprisingly light.
I stopped at my favorited purveyor of spirits (the biggest mistake of all) where I normally get a bottle of wine, but this time I added a pint of Vodka.
Why? Impulse; I was celebrating escaping the heat and a good performance.


I don't remember exactly what happened, but somehow I got angry with His Majesty and tripped over Him, falling chest first onto the footboard of my bed.
It hurt like hell and I knew I needed to get checked out.
footnote, you cannot call for an ambulance and ask to be taken to the VA ER, they will take you to the nearest one, which is Cobb Wellstar

After I called them, I again FELL out my back door (about 2 ft) onto the concrete, where I waited until they got to me.
5 hrs later, my niece came to pick me up and bring me home; nothing broken just bruised and sore as hell, and I shudder to think of the bill.
I stayed in bed all day yesterday, and was going to remain there today, but thinking of the Fence company (who had told me they would be coming THE LAST HALF of THIS WEEK) I called. The receptionist looked at their scheduling, and said they had me down for TODAY and TOMORROW!
I took a pain pill, went out and began TRYING to get some work done.
The pill made me nauseated and sweaty (it is nowhere NEAR as hot today, 82°F right now!)
But I came in and lay down until I stopped sweating, called the MAN HIMSELF, who told me that the Receptionist had no business telling me that. They would be coming NEXT Monday, praise god.
Now I can rest up and perhaps get those other posts etc out before they get here.
Well, that is my story and I'm sticking to it.

"Change turned into disaster"

Jerry E Smith
All images original or sourced


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