Alive & Thriving Midweek : Then.. and Now.. (Stake ALIVE Tokens Day) || AATYr5 || Slice of Life 😆


Happy midweek! 🎉 We're another day closer to the weekend. Yay! 🙌
If the past two days brought thunderstorm and some rain (huge relief from the heat), it was relatively warm today. 😒 Why can't cool weather come and stay, huh?! I honestly wish I have the resources to pack up and move somewhere cooler. 😂


I shared cat mom Mini's photos with her litter when they were a few weeks old. Glad I captured this awww moment today. They were by my foot while I was working earlier today. These kittens have now started to socialize with the other kitties in the flat. Mini is and perhaps will always be a wild outdoor cat. Although she had her latest batch of litter inside, she still asks to be let out all the time. Most nights she also stays and sleeps outside. I suppose it is true that cats will do what cats will do. They're the real boss in their interaction with humans. 🤣😹

Alive&Thriving Midweek : Stake ALIVE Tokens


When the year started, I set this goal of staking ALIVE tokens till I reach the maximum level. I honestly am not sure if it's still helping as the ALIVE tipping bot is not working (shoutout to @flaxz to fix it please). 🤔 I hope he finds the time to give updates on delegation rewards too. 🤞 Well, it's now the eighth month of the year. I'll keep staking till year end. Then reassess my goals for the new year. 🙄

I'm glad I still have a number of tipping tokens so I do have options. 😅 Whew! Why I like tipping tokens? I enjoy sharing rewards with those who visit and leave me a comment or two. For me, it's a way of showing appreciation. 😉 Do you have a favorite tipping token too?


Having multiple kittens can be a challenge. I can't complain as this is the longest time we've had little ones running around. Growing them has been a challenge for a long time. I'm getting this chance now, but I know I still need to learn a lot more. One step at a time. I'm winging it as I go along.

I'm still actively working on these affiliate sites daily. It helped that I participated in the #LarryIsAlive contest for quite some time. 😂 Now, it's been part of my daily routine.

I love the midweek as it's still my night to watch Poirot. I'm glad I found another enjoyable episode earlier tonight. It's worth allotting time for it. 😉 Now, it's time to wind down the activities for the day. I will need to find my cool tonight. Glad it's almost the weekend. If it still doesn't rain on Friday, I'm treating myself to the cooling system over the weekend.


Have a fantastic midweek! Nighty night from Manila. Ta-tah! 👋


credits for the new signature : @stdd

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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