Midweek Talk : Seeking Balance | #AliveAndThriving

Happy midweek! 🎉🎉🎉
We're half way through the week. Yipee!
Sometimes I find myself needing some extra rest and I take a nap or two whenever I can. Like I mentioned before, sleep is magical. ✨✨

My mom used to tell me, "All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl." Well, nowadays for me, it's more fitting to say all work and no rest makes me a cranky old woman. 😂🤣 kidding aside, in my every day life, I try to achieve balance between being productive at home and getting enough rest. If you're running a household, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Chores never seem to end, no matter how many times you have cleaned and all. So, chill and take your time. That's what I do. It's the same with my gardening tasks. I could only stand for so long before I experience lower back pain. Same with sitting down for too long. So yeah, I need to seek the balance. It is what it is.

So the courier decided to deliver most of the items that I have ordered online. I didn't order them all at the same time, but they still arrived together. Boohoo! 😝😝 I'm excitedly waiting for the washing machine that I ordered. It will be handy in doing laundry of curtains, rags, hand towels and cleaning towels. That's part of my automation plan to make working around the house easier for me. Next time, I hope they have android robots that help me clean the house. 😂🤣

Wrapping up today's post as cleaning of litter boxes await me. See you for #thankfulThursday. Ta-tah!

This challenge is inspired by @flaxz. Thank you We Are Alive tribe.

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

I started a series since October 2018...

'Coz I like Tumblr ===> I Am Raincrystal

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

BTC address: 3Nu6g6pRbypgASwgEBJaMyUzWKQnzYEkKY


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