Keeping A Health Routine Check

A1C test

I never knew how important checkmentig blood glucose and blood pressure was until an uncle's wife was diagnosed of glucose in blood, and the test was made mandatory in the family for every 3 months.
Because of the large number of the family going for the test outside the home was costing us so much that we had to go purchase a family machines for them respectively.

These machines couldn't function for more than 6 months of purchase. We had to try all we could to see them function again all to no avail.

At this point we had to make another purchase through a family friend staying outside the country for another set of machines while returning home of which she did.

knowing the result

Fasting blood glucose test is considered normal at the level of 70 and 100mg/dL.
If a random blood glucose test is carried out, depending on when last one ate, 125mg/dL or lower is expected.

We were regularly on check until we ran out of stock for test strips, never did I know that the machine is selective of test strips. Had to go searching in nooks and cranny of the city for matching test strips yielded no result. I had to give in to a random A1C test knowing the content of the foods we consume in my country Nigeria and amount i have consumed for months, and the result was below 125mg/dL.

Just a month ago I lost a friend to death as a pneumonia because she over looked the changes in her system. Health check is essential and necessary.

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