My Easy Traffic - Day 7 - #LukeIsAlive - #7DaysTraffic

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My Easy Traffic - Day 7

So this is my way of sharing how I generate traffic each day using 2 very simple strategies to get more traffic for less time over a longer period, and complementing each other.

#LukeIsAlive - Go Find Him!

Here I use the Scavanger Hunt in ClickTrackProfit to find Luke The Listbuilder.

Screenshot from CTP

Today I found Luke 1 time in SeaLifeHits, and here are some screenshots made into a gif picturing that.


So this is a Traffic Exchange (TE) and owned by @sigskeie and @cruisin, and I really like how they manage it.

Today I found Luke here at about 80 pages surfed, and then continued to surf so I got over 100 pages, just because it's an even number.

Plus I also picked up a few goodies along the way, and also saw some familiar faces.

I am using the traffic to promote my list and the I Am Alive ebook, no conversions so far according to my tracking, but I am just starting to surf it more seriously, if Luke can be serious.

I Am Alive!

This is also part of the traffic module for the #IAmAliveChallenge, and here is a picture of me from today with a thumbs up, I Am Alive!

Photo by Erik Gustafsson

So it's been raining on and off today, and I have reblogged, upvoted and commented a lot of posts and videos for the #IAmAliveChallenge.

As I am writing this the video I recorded and uploaded has yet to be published, and it seems that encoding times on 3speak are really long right now, so we will see if this post get published before the video or not.

Ok turns out the video was published 8 minutes before I had finished writing this post, so I will schedule it to go out a bit later now.

I also got a major glitch on my Actifit app, it missed the reset for the new day, and May 2 does not exist in the statistics, while May 3 shows all steps for both days.

I will probably end up posting that for both days in the same post since it does include the steps for both days.

And to be clear here, I Am Alive!

Stay safe, awesome and alive!

#7DaysTraffic - Traffic Leverage

The 7 Days Traffic is made to build traffic leverage, and the basis is the Weekly Schedule I used for #2020vision, but with one tool switched out, and with more focus on generating traffic.

I will make a new schedule for this soon.

Today I surfed for traffic in ClickVoyager, and here you can see a gif with screenshots picturing a small part of that.


Today I surfed just over 300 pages in this TE, surfing 250 or more gets me the 7 days free upgrade, which is really nice and give me more credits, both from my own surfing and from my referrals surfing.

I also picked up a few prizes and played a few games along the way for extra credits.

The traffic is used to promote my vTrafficRush affiliate link, which also shows my banner on top, and I actually got a new referral there today.

I use vTrafficRush because it provides leverage to my traffic from ClickVoyager, since it shows my banner on 6 levels down on my referrals affiliate pages.

So this is a setup that I will continue using.

That was my #7DaysTraffic for today.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on PeakD

My profile on CTPtalk

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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