#IAmAliveChallenge - Luke Is Alive - Go Find Him! - Plus #2020vision Day +64

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#IAmAliveChallenge - Luke Is Alive - Go Find Him!

So as I talked about in my post yesterday, Luke and the Scavanger Hunt in ClickTrackProfit is a great way to get traffic to your Lead Capture Pages.

This is Luke, he can be found in different locations by surfing in different Traffic Exchanges and when you have he goes on to a new location, he is Alive and he needs your help, so Go Find Him!

Screenshot from CTP

I surfed for Luke today and found him 2 times, first in SeaLifeHits and then in the Gauntlet in ClickTrackProfit, plus I also picked up some badges, which you can see from the screenshots below, made into a gif.


I also started making a spreadsheet to prepare for more encounters with Luke, so that I can better have all affiliate links and ID's ready when I sign up for new TE's.

Screenshot from Google Drive

So yeah now I have started to surf for Luke myself, and will soon have it all figured out, and hopefully included in the ebook update.

And here is a picture of me from today with a thumbs up, I Am Alive.

Photo by Erik Gustafsson

Stay safe, awesome and alive!

2020Vision Day +64

So I continue to watch 4 ads per day for my #2020vision, my form of creative pushups, and today I made that in LeadsLeap, and you can see my Weekly Schedule here.

2020vison was started by @pixiepost, and it's goal is to draw attention and awareness to the Hive blockchain and to promote health and the Actifit dApp, and you can see her announcement here.

Screenshots from my tablet watching 4 ads placed into a gif.


So that was my #2020vision for today.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on PeakD

My profile on CTPtalk

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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