Once There Is A Will, There Is A Way

Why do you suddenly loose interest on a thing? Interest is first thing to be considered before going into any venture,this interest is what keeps you going even when things seems not the go the way you originally planned.

Passion Ride

To accomplish anything meaningful in life it has to be on the wings of passion. When you are passionate about a thing you do everything possible in as much as it's not against your faith so that you will experience a positive response. A times for our passion to come to play it will require lots of sacrifice ranging from time, to convince. Personally I am one person that don't joke with rest, but in most cases I just have to let it go because I am pursuing a thing or too.

Also, to fuel passion accurately one may require to get some extra knowledge on what his passion or interest is by this it will reduce the level of mistake you may make along the line. Imagine standing on the wings of those that have gone ahead, that's to sayyl you will go so far and have an improved version of your pursuit.

A vital question I drop today. What is your passion, what can you sacrifice meaningful things for, what is your interest? Go all out to improve on it so much that tomorrow someone can come around to learn from you.

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Interest is lost when one forgets what his passion is or he is working so hard to please someone. Sleep with you are passionate about at heart, wake with it and go through the whole day with it. By so doing it will keep being fresh in your heart.

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