Mental Health forced addiction and unmonitored withdrawal

Mental Health
I have a diagnosis of treatment resistant paranoid schizophrenia and complex PTSD.

I was also told i am high functioning autistic and have ADHD but was told that these really are the least of my problems.

When you are involved with the mental health services it is very much medication heavy it is the go to and it is very easy for this to go wrong in my opinion.

If someones mind is broken for whatever reason, to get balance it is easy for the doctors to prescribe meds to balance you so then therapy can begin.

In a simple standard case this may work, but when you have conditions that often enhance the events or are even triggering to each other you have to over medicate that person.

Often to find the right combination of meds because one is rarely enough you may have other issues that cause side effects and often the answer here is to give you yet another medication to counter the bad effects of the ones they believe are working.

It becomes a case of trial and error a terrible way to adminster health solutions in my opinion.

I was talked into taking a medication for my mind, but it would make the muscles in my leg twist for no reason and my legs would hurt all the time.

To counter that i was given another medication that i was told would be addictive but would help relax my muscles.

At the time i did not care i was just like give me those bloody pills and i took them and they worked relieving the muscles.

Now nearly 20 years later because of the plandemic getting the medication was not possible so someone decided to replace it like it was no big deal.

I was offered no monitoring, given no warning or reminders and what i thought was flu because the family was all ill with flu has actually turned out to be withdrawals from the medication i was on before that have been replaced with something else now.

The withdrawal has been quite nasty and all i got from the doctors was a verbal "sorry this should never have happened to you"

It has been a bit of a nightmare but i feel i have got through the worse of the withdrawal and although my legs are kind of feeling tight and and aching i am doing OK.

Honestly between this, the costly covid lockdowns, the crazy inflations and the pointless jab that don't do fuck all i will never trust another expert again.

The mental health services are a joke in the UK and the general practices are no better, a bunch of idiots that learned to pass exams but for the most part have no fucking clue what they are doing.

They do know how to push their drugs, the modern drug dealer has a white coat, a friendly smile and is funded by the government.

I could have gone into more details about this but to be honest in my experience most people do not give a toss.

I was forced down this road by the mental health services in the first place and all i wanted was for them to leave me alone this has not changed 20 years later.

This is doing me a favour at the end of the day as i am learning to deal without the medications they forced me to take in the first place and they will not be restarted in the future either i can assure you.

I have already started a holistic journey personally anyway for my health and intend to keep down that route.

The world can label personality traits they don't like as mental health problems if that is what they want but heavily medicating us with chemicals will not change anything.

It does not change the fact that we all exist and are subjects of the environments we have been raised in, that we have been expose to and that we live in.

Call me crazy

But locking down billions of people for a bad viral infection (COLD) that cost millions of lives, businesses and money in the process.

While causing an inflation nightmare that will cost more lives, businesses and money while forcing people to take an experimental jab is mental behaviour in my opinion.

Looking Forward

I am only looking forward to the future, i know there will be things that i have to deal with along the way and that not everything will be within my control but that is life anyway.

I have a supportive network and plans which is more than most.

I have many things in the works here on Hive and in my just general life that give me purpose and the will to overcome whatever comes my way.

There are many obstacles that will be along our journey and they will be different for all of us because we are unique.

Never Give Up Merry Festive Holidays All

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