Bringing My Light Sport Aircraft Home - Sunday

The culmination of the best week in my memory. It has been such a roller coaster of emotions and I am feeling a bit exhausted from it all but am also so incredibly excited. We started the day yesterday by stopping by and picking up the trailer from David who sold me the plane. Had to swap out a flapper tire first then the family and I headed over to the plane.


I backed the trailer in and we set about pushing it out of the hangar.


I had brought the assembly manual with me but I ended up not needing it as I had memorized all the detachment points.


It is really awesome that the primary tools needed are a 3/8" and 7/16" wrenches and sockets. My tool kit for the plane is going to be very concise and won't take up hardly any space or weight. There are just 8 bolts that come out to allow the wing to fold.


On the first wing I wasn't sure about the bracing so I strapped it onto the wing to keep it in place. This is not really that needed as I was able to leave the other side loose.


Unsure of how exactly the wings would stow I removed the horizontal stabilizers from the tail which required removing the lock wire that holds them together. I will be using a webbing strap in the future.


In a fit of ignorance I had neglected to face the plane INTO the wind prior to taking it apart which ended up having a wind gust push the left wing over and it got a hole in the dacron fabric. I will be able to repair it no problem but it is another thing to add to the list.




In half an hour we had both wings folded and were ready to load it on the trailer.


We had it on the back of the trailer but the landing gear wheels were to wide for the trailer. I then removed the wheels and brakes and brackets and got it on a little sideways. David arrived then and he showed me where the switch for the winch was and we soon had it drug to the front and then strapped down really well. David also had the idea to put a 4x4 across the boom in front of the vertical stabilizer that the wings set on. I am now going to be making a yoke that will do the same only be cupped and padded.




It was rather wild towing the plane home.




David followed us home to keep an eye on the back end and help unload it. I went really slow all the way and if I saw the propeller spin I would slow down. It was fun watching everyone gawking at it as we went by. It took a good 45 minutes to get home and I decided to unload in the most level part of the yard.


After pulling the straps I set each axle on a full length 2x4 and after hooking up a pulley to the tail we used the winch to drag it back. I then used a jack stand to set each axle on to put the brakes back on then the wheels. Then we rolled it down the ramps and it was officially home.


David left to head home and I was so hot and so thirsty so I took a break in the house and also ate before taking the trailer back. I had backed it in exactly where I had found it and was just jacking it up when he pulled in. I had beat him home... The other wing and aileron is sitting against the fence so tomorrow when I deliver to the co-op I will take my trailer and pick them up and bring them home.


I did more inspections as I talk to my Dad on the phone. I found the fuel lines are in dire need of replacement so I have it ordered and both sizes will be here Wednesday. I discovered the sticker I had brought over when unloading it was the exact right length to hold the tail up and keep the wings off the ground.

There are no pictures of Flightstar 2 planes with wings folded anywhere online and I am starting to believe that I will have one of the only ones in the country to regularly fold the wings. Speaking of I need to order a nice supply of AN bolts.

There is no airplane manual for this thing so I am going to end up making my own and also a "technical order" for assembly and disassembly with check lists and references to the assembly manual. We are also going to scan in the entire manual to have it digitized.


I had grain to get this morning so I got my trailer hooked up to my truck before dinner.


So many things to do and my list just keeps growing. I have been offered flight training by Steve who has been hang gliding for 47 years and had an ultralight business for years and instructed as well. I am so beside myself with how this past 10 days has been.


I have been to town for grain and will empty it soon. I have my fuel lines ordered and will need a new primer bulb and filter. I found the repair tape for my wing and will get that too. I have neglected the garden for days now and am a bit afraid of what I will find.

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